IN "Articles"
12 July 2014
My fav rocker chic items

“People ask the question… what’s a RocknRolla? And I tell ’em – it’s not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There’s more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life – some the money, some the drugs, others the sex game, the glamour, or the fame. But a RocknRolla, oh, he’s different. Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot!”
Neon Nails by Nail Art by Lore
DIVA CHARMS TOP (shop here)
NEON LIME NAILS – special thanks to Nail Art by Lore
Desi mi-ai propus sa fac cate mai multe postari de look si sa vorbesc mai putin, trebuie sa mentionez ca shop-ul online FrontRowShop pe care l-am descoperit de curand, e genial. E genul de magazin online in care gasesti lucruri simple, dar speciale. Cautam de mult timp un visor negru si l-am gasit pe acest site. (Visor-ul pe care l-am purtat in ultima postare video pentru STILAGO – click aici). Tot aici le multumesc celor de la Nail Art pentru pedichiura neon impecabila! Astept cu nerabdare sa ajung la programarea de dinainte de vacanta pentru mani-pedi minx 😀 Sper ca va place acest look si va inspira pentru tinutele voastre din aceasta vara racoroasa de care avem parte! Sa aveti un weekend minunat, noi mergem maine la COLOR RUN. Tu cu ce ai purta salopeta neagra?
Even though I want to post more looks and talk less, I have to say FontRowShop is an amazing online shop. I was looking for a nice simple visor since forever and now I found it on their site. (I wore the black visor in our latest STILAGO post – click here to see the video). I also have to thank Nail Art by Lore for the amazing neon pedicure! I’m looking forward to meet them again before our holiday for matching golden minx manicure & pedicure! I hope you liked the look and I hope it inspires your outfits for this “not so hot” summer. Hope you’ll have a great weekend, we’re attending COLOR RUN tomorrow. How would you wear the black dungaree?