IN "Articles"
11 December 2015

Salutare, scriu acum cu emotie, insa am si-un motiv bun. It’s time! Sunt fericita sa va spun ca tocmai am lansat colectia MOJA by Alina Ceusan. Acestea sunt fotografiile de campanie pe care le-am realizat duminica trecuta, intr-un ritm naucitor, in Cluj Napoca alaturi de Anca Cheregi (sweetheart) si o intreaga echipa de oameni talentati. Am planuit aceasta colectie inca din vara acestui an si ma bucur sa o vad materializata. Am folosit piele, plasa, dantela si catifea din belsug, iar rezultatul este un set de 22 piese pe care le-am gandit impreuna cei de la Moja ca Party Essentials. Nu lipsesc nici pantofii, care reprezinta, mai in gluma mai in serios, o mare pasiune a mea. Sper sa va placa fotografiile, colectia, mood-ul…. Astept sa-mi spui care e item-ul tau preferat. Toate articolele sunt acum available online pe
Hello there! I’m very nervous as I’m writing this, however I have a good reason. It’s time! I’m thrilled to announce we’ve just launched the MOJA by Alina Ceusan collection. This is the campaign we shot last Sunday in a blinding hurry, in Cluj, with Anca Cheregi. The hairdo is by Raul Tisa (Vestige) and the makeup is done by… Me. MOJA came from Bucharest to Cluj and Sani was very patient with us. I’ve been planning this collection since summer and I’m so happy to see it’s finally real. I used leather, fishnet, velvet and lace and the result is a set of 22 leather items – Party Essentials. Hope you’ll like the photos, the collection, I can’t wait for the parties to start! All items are now available on
HAIR RAUL TISA / Vestige Atelier des Beaux Arts
Styling & MAKE UP / Alina Ceusan