IN "Articles"
21 December 2016
Mineli Nude Sandals for YOU

RO: In primul rand – stiu, am intarziat cu giveaway-ul de ieri, asa ca postam azi doua. Primul concurs de pe lista de azi este acesta, iar al II-lea si ultimul, apare pe blog la miezul noptii. Azi m-am gandit la tinutele voastre festive (dar si la cele dintre voi care pleaca la caldura de revelion), asa ca dam o pereche de sandale nude de la de la Mineli Boutique, pe masura ta. Raspunde la intrebarea de azi si pot fi ale tale.
EN: First of all – I know, I’m late with the contest posts so today we are going to have two posts. The 1st contest can get you a pair of nude sandals in your size from Mineli Boutique, so answer today’s question and they can be yours pretty soon! After midnight we will post the final contest of our 10 days of giveaways series and on the 22nd of December – the big contest!
20th of December
RO: Care e visul tau de fericire?
EN: Which is your idea of happiness?
Lucky No. 389