IN "Travel"
18 March 2014
Midnight Valencia

Ieri seara am ajuns in Valencia si primul lucru pe care l-am facut, inainte de a ne lasa bagajele a fost sa mergem pe plaja. In cele cateva clipe petrecute sub cerul plin de stele, am simtit aerul sarat al marii, ne-am plimbat, am povestit cat de mult ne-ar placea sa stam la mare, iar eu nu m-am putut abtine si m-am gandit la voi. Tarziu, acasa pe balcon ma gandeam cum toti stam sub acelasi cer, sub aceleasi stele. M-am gandit intr-un fel, ca oriunde am fi, ceva ne leaga: cerul, noaptea si luna.
Yesterday night we arrived in Valencia and 1st thing we did was to go to the beach. In those few moments on the beach, we felt the salty breeze, we took a walk and we talked about how we would love to live on the beach. I couldn’t resist thinking about you girls. Later that night, I was thinking about a lot of things like how we all stood under the same sky, under the same starts. Somehow, wherever we are, there is something that links us all together: the sky, the night and the moon!
Kisses from Valencia!