20 April 2015
Meet our white kitten ?
Imagineaza-ti cum ar fi sa te afli intr-o camera inalta, in care florile iti tin umbra. Intorci privirea spre balcon si vezi cum vantul umfla perdelele albe… ai intrat intr-un labirint necunoscut, insa razele de lumina iti ghideaza jocul… dati-mi voie sa vi-l prezint – are 49 de zile si e un puiut de Turkish Angora. Casa noastra s-a schimbat, iar el descopera pas cu pas, o noua lume… ma gandeam sa il numesc Miu Miu, de vreme ce mieunatul lui suna exact asa.
Imagine how it would be to enter a high ceiling room and see flowers that shadow your path. You turn your head, and look twards the balcony, the wind flows trough the white curtain… you entered an unknown labyrinth, but the rays of light are guiding your way into the game… Allow me to introduce you to our Turkish Angora, 49 days old white kitten. Our house feels like a happier place now, while he discovers a new place, step by step… I’m thinking about a name and I’m leaning twoards “Miu Miu” since he’s a very vocal little fellow and he sounds exactly like that…
Question for you: Do you know any cool online pet stores? We’d like to order some goodies for the little fellow! Have a great week dear girls!
Love, A.