IN "Looks"
07 September 2015
Meet my Glamour Army!
# Looks

RO: Buna dimineata si bine ati venit pe blog! Se-ntelege, trendul military este preferatul meu in aceasta toamna (ca in orice alta toamna, Alina), asa ca incepem cu el. In aceasta saptamana aceasta veti vedea seria army, eu scriu duminica seara, voi vedeti luni dimineata, eu scriu luni seara, voi vedeti marti dimineata si tot asa. O tinuta, 3 elemente principale, look-uri army de tranzitie.
EN: Good morning girls and welcome back on blog! It clear, the military trend is my favorite trend of the fall (yeah, like any other Fall, Alina), so we will start with it. This week i will show you several army looks: I write on Sunday evening, you get to see it on Monday morning, while you enjoy your coffee, I write on Monday, you get to see it on Tuesday, and so on till Sunday. One look, 3 main items, transitional summer-to-fall army looks.
WHAT I WORE: Melina Stiletto Lace Up Ankle Boots in Khaki Faux Suede | Ocko Shop Khahi Dress | Golden Sunglasses (H&M) | Random brand golden cuffs (similar here) | Tiara Concept Store Silver Bag
RO: A II-a saptamana din septembrie se anunta ca fiind o saptamana de tranzitie (se aude piesa asta pe fundal de zici ca cine-stie-ce se-ntampla), asa ca trecem pe cizme decupate ori botine legate pe glezna. In acest look, port botine kaki de pe + rochie de vara, oarecum spanish, cu volane, de la Ocko Shop (nu am apucat sa o port in vara si acum e o optiune buna, pentru ca arata miraculos in miscare). Da, am calcat rochia. Da, s-a sifonat pana la locul faptei. Imi amintesc clar ca-i spuneam lui Raul: na poftim, s-a sifonat deja (in timp ce trageam de rochie). El ridicase o spranceana pe sub ochelarii de soare argintii si imi spunea “mai, nu e sifonata, nu-i asa rau”. Dar eu stiam ca o calcasem cu mana mea acum 20 de minute, vreo 60 de minute, daca stiti ce vreau sa spun. Imi trebuie un aparat cu aburi… Sa vedem pantofii interesanti, pe care i-am gasit pe ego, zic. Stiti de ce? Pentru ca e timpul sa vorbim despre garderoba in tranzitie, iar asta inseamna pantofi noi #feelingguilty.
EN: The 2nd week of September seems to be a transitional one (the tune keeps rolling in the background like something big it’s gonna’ happen), so we will switch to cut-out boots or lace up ankle boots. In this look, I’m wearing the Melisa khaki ankle boots from + a summer dress from Ocko Shop (I haven’t got to wear it, and it’s a good option right now, due to its color and the way it looks in the wind). Yes, I’ve ironed the dress & Yes it did wrinkle by the time we got there. I can clearly remember saying: come on, just take a look at this: it’s all wrinkled (while pulling the dress). He looked at me and raised an eyebrow while saying: “it’s not that bad”. But I knew I ironed it for like 60 minutes, 20 minutes ago, so you know what I mean. I need a steam machine… Now let’s see the interesting khaki shoes I found on Ego. Why? Because it’s time to talk about transitional wardrobe and that means new shoes #feelingguilty.
Shop more at
RO: Apropo de strada, incepem saptamana cu noutati despre Glamour Street Fashion Show – da, am primit emailuri voastre! Am discutat indelung, cu seturi de polyvore pe de-o parte, ca moodboard si sute de cuvinte, de alta. Mi-a parut bine. In final am ales 10 fete foarte tari. Sincer, am ajuns sa le cunosc mai bine pe cateva dintre cititoarele mele, care sunt pasionate de moda, ori modeling. Mi se pare extrordinar sa primesti un video, de la un om pe care nu il cunosti si sa ii vezi sinceritatea in ochi. Cele mai multe video-uri m-au emotionat, asa ca va multumesc, pentru ca sunteti genul de persoane pe care as vrea sa le intalnesc. Pe fiecare in parte. Ne vedem la Bucuresti, o sa petrecem.
EN: And since we’re talking about street, we start the week with news about Glamour Street Fashion Show – yes, I got your emails, girls! We talked a lot about your looks, using polymer sets and moldboards to visualize the final result and hundreds of words to explain them. It was a pleasure to meet you. In the end, I picked up 10 uber cool girls. Honestly, I got to knew some passioned girls, some of my readers, lovers of fashion. I have to say I find it kinda extraordinary to receive a video of someone you haven’t meet and to see the honesty in their eyes. Because these girls were talking about their passion: fashion. Most of the videos impressed me, so I have to thank you for keeping me curious and being the kind of persons I would like to meet! I can’t wait to meet all of you, in Bucharest, we’re gonna party a little.
Curious who made the cut? I proudly present you: Team. A – yep, fierce girls.
GO VOTE FOR THEM HERE! (IT Glamour Squad, please change my name, it’s CEUSAN)