IN "Articles"
08 May 2015
Meanwhile, in Bucharest with Terranova

RO: Am o ceasca de cafea in fata, rulez rapid o tigara si decid sa ies pe terasa. Hotel Scala are o curte interioara verde si linistita si mi-ar fi parut rau sa plec de aici fara cateva fotografii.
Ieri am fost la Terranova pentru a face pe cineva fericit. Am extras castigatoarea Fiat-ului 500 care cred ca v-a facut si voua cu ochiul, in Cocor. Nu-mi pot imagina cum e sa faci cumparaturi de 89 de ron si sa castigi o masina… Trebuie sa fie delicios! Eu am avion spre Cluj, ar trebui sa inchid valiza si sa plec, insa sunt foarte fericita aici pe terasa, privind cifrele de pe Instagram (100k, I know, bloggers and numbers…) Va multumesc pentru asta! Am sa stau la soare si incerc sa-mi intiparesc in minte mirosul unui inceput de vera in Bucuresti. C-am sa plec curand…
EN: I have my coffee in front of me, I’m rolling a cigarette and I rush outside, in the backyard. Hotel Scala has an amazing terrace area, I couldn’t leave without taking some photos…
Yesterday we’ve been at Terranova, in Cocor, to make someone happy. We’ve choose the winner of the brand new Fiat 500, the crisp-white car that has been parked in the middle of the store. I just can’t imagine how it would be to buy a blouse with 89ro and win a brand new car, due to that! Delicious! I have to catch a plane to Cluj, I should just close the luggage and hit the road, but instead I’m very happy here on the terrace, in the sun, while looking at the Instagram numbers (100K+, I know, bloggers and numbers…) I wanna thank each one of your for that! We’ve reached 100k while I was in a giant box full of contest entries, at Terranova (YES!) Classy, you will see the pictures! I’m just going to stay here a bit longer, trying to memorize the scent of an early summer in Bucharest… Cuz’ I’ll be gone soon…
Terranova Top, Blazer, Snapback and simple trainers + Ralph Jeans from runfast.
Thanks Terranova team + Hotel Scala Boutique for having me!
P.S: Yes, I have a new hair colour ?