IN "Articles"
27 May 2015
Make today count, you will never get it back!

RO: Sunt in “zbor” spre Bucuresti. Primesc micul dejun: doua croissante cu unt, doua cuiburi de viespe cu vanilie si stafide, un fresh de portocale si fructe uscate. O doamna blonda cu par mediu, coafat in bucle, ma intreaba daca vreau o cafea. Ma uit cu zoom parca, la agrafele care-i tin buclele si ii spun ca am baut una in aeroport si ca ii multumesc pentru grija. Ma aflu in partea din fata a avionului, la geam. Deschid pentru a III-a oara luna asta revista SkyLady si o vad pe Inna pe coperta. Pun revista jos imediat si musc dintr-un croissant. Am citit-o din scoarta-n scoarta. De doua ori…
Azi mergem la Divital Divas (conferinte + awards), la Palatul Bragadiru. Ma uit pe geam (asta e si motivul pentru care v-am scris) si vad o intindere infinita de nori albi. In fata noastra norii par a fi intinsi cu o spatula. Ireal, la zeci de mii de metri sub noi se zaresc lacuri si balti argintii, sau rauri metalice, care serpuiesc asemenea unor vene pe pamantul ud al diminetii. Casutele sunt prea departe sa fie zarite in detaliu, insa mereu ma intreb pe unde suntem si ce fac oamenii din acele locuri pe care eu le privesc… Am o curiozitate. Soarele a rasarit. Era atat de necesar azi, dupa doua zile de ploaie in Cluj, vad soarele, insa dintr-o alta perspectiva. Vreau sa vedeti si voi ce-am vazut eu. Pe fundal a merge pe repeat “Wide Awake” de la Katy Perry. Sa aveti o dimineata a-aaatat de insorita ☀️:
EN: Good morning (I know you aren’t up yet). I’m on the plane to Bucarest. I just got my breakfast: two butter croissants, two buns with vanilla pudding and rasins, orange juice and some dried fruits. A bright woman with blonde curly hair asks me if I want any coffee. I got a bit lost while watching the bobby pins that helped the hair stay into place… and I tell her I already had one in the airport. I thank her for being so kind and open for the 3rd time this month SkyLady magazine. Inna is on the cover. I’ve read this two times in english and romanian, I’m not going to do it again. I put the magazine down and take the 1st bite of the butter croissant…
I’m heading to Bucharest for Digital Divas (conferences + awards). I’m looking out on the window (this is the reason why I wrote to you this post) and I see an infinite white-cloud surrounding. In front of the plane, the clouds seem like they’ve been bended with a brush. Somehow surreal, I can see silver lakes and rivers that look like a strong vein on the wet morning earth. The houses are too far away to see them clearly, but I always keep asking myself where are we right now, and what are those persons living there (pointing, or there) doing right now… I’m curious like that. The sun is up on the aky. I really needed the warmth and the white light, after two rainy days in Cluj. I’m listening “Katy Perry” – Wide awake on repeat. I hope your day will be as bright as this ☀️
P.S: I’d really wish I could travel with the pilot someday. I this the view is just amazing. Can you imagine starting your day with such a view + coffee & stuff? Anyway, make sure you make today count, here’s some #motivation for you:
+ COFFEE for you, to wake up lovely girls!
Love, A. #justlanded
#justlanded in Bucharest!