IN "Articles"
28 September 2015
Made to be stylish, the Lee Cooper challenge

RO: Campania de toamna-iarna 2015-2016 Lee Cooper vine sub conceptul “Made to”. Made to explore, Made to dance, Made to be stylish... sunt doar cateva dintre interpretarile pe care le veti gasi online, legate de aceasta campanie. Influentata de un aer cool britanic, aceasta colectie urmeaza liniile relaxate pe care Lee Cooper le prefera, sezon de sezon. Vom regasi tartanul de inspiratie scotiana, un print care a influentat moda punk a anilor ’70. Ramanem asadar in acest registru, iar trecand usor privirea peste cele mai recente item-uri vom regasi fuste midi uni ori din tartan, bluze cu fir metalic, veste din blana ecologica, toate intr-un registru tomnatic: negru, bleumarin, albastru, culori reliefate de rosu, gri, bej si alb. Geaca de piele matlasata neagra este bine-venita in fiecare toamna, in garderoba noastra, asa ca primul look ii este dedicat. Jeansii skinny Pearl Aviator cu cusatura pe mijloc sunt o noutate in magazinele Lee Cooper si au devenit in scurt timp jeansii mei preferati pentru aceasta toamna. Ultimul element al primului look, camasa bleumarin din matase este o achizitie smart, pentru ca poate fi purtata intr-o multime de combinatii.
EN: “Made to” is the concept that comes with the Lee Cooper Autumn Winter 2015-2016. Made to explore, made to dance, made to be stylish… those are just a few of the interpretations that you can find online when searching for this campaign. Influenced by the cool British attitude, these collections follow the relaxed patterns Lee Cooper prefers each season. We’ll find the Scottish tartan print that influenced the 70’s punk fashion. We stick to this area and while investigating it we can see midi skirts in black color or tartan, metallic blouses, eco fur vests. The colors presented are all in fall nuances: black, navy blue, blue, red, grey, beige and white. The black leather jacket is welcomed every Autumn in our wardrobe, therefore the first look is dedicated to the beloved item. The skinny Pearl Aviator jeans are a new item both in the Lee Cooper shops and in my closet and they’re quickly becoming my go to Autumn piece. The last element of the first look, the navy blue shirt is a smart buy, since it can be worn in several combos.
RO: Spre deosebire de camasile femeiesti, cambrate si ultra-slim, cele barbatesti te vor ajuta sa obtii acel look efortless, datorita structurii si implicit marimii mai mari. Am folosit doua camasi marimea M, din tartan rosu cu negru si bleumarin pentru a obtine o tinuta pe care in prima faza nu o vezi in magazin. Ideea e sa cauti dincolo de o simpla piesa, sa cauti posibilitatea. Revenind la feminin, am purtat camasa din matase bleumarin cu un umar gol, renuntand la o maneca. E una dintre camasile mele preferate acum, am pus-o si in bagajul pentru state. Sper sa va placa rezultatul.
EN: Opposed to women’s shirts, which are sleek and made to fit perfectly, the men’s ones will help you achieve that effortless look, due to their structure and larger size. I used two shirts in size M to create a look which initially you can’t see in the shop. The thing is you have to look for more than an item, you have to look for endless possibilities. Back to feminine, I wore the silk navy blue shirt off one shoulder, getting rid of a sleeve. The navy blue is one of my favorite shirts now, so it’s neatly packed in my bag for the USA. Hope you’ll like the result!
Video by Carmen Grebenisan | The car: Caddilac El Dorado ’62 (available for rent) | The song: Rihanna – So Hard | Find Lee Cooper on Facebook | The