IN "Articles"
19 August 2015
Luisaviaroma part I: summer nights

RO: Atunci cand am ales aceasta pereche de pantofi de pe LUISAVIAROMA, gandul mi-a zburat, inevitabil as zice, la Florenta, capitala regiunii italiene Toscana. La Firenze4Ever si laboratorul de stil pe care ei il gazduiesc in fiecare an. Intotdeauna am vazut tocurile inalte ca pe un element primordial al garderobei feminine, in jurul caruia poti forma tinute cu o usurinta molepsitoare. Christian Louboutin spunea la un moment dat ca pantoful cu toc are puterea de a transforma persoana care il poarta; Tot atunci vorbea despre cele doua directii ale siluetei: purtand pantof cu toc o femeie poate parea fie puternica, impunatoare, agresiva, insa si firava, sensibila, neajutorata, ca in situatia in care ar avea nevoie de sprijin, iar pasii ii sunt marunti si delicati.
Sa lamurim un lucru: pantofii cu toc nu sunt comozi, insa iti schimba complet postura corpului, gesturile si atitudinea, in timp ce te inalta si redau cea mai buna varianta a ta, ce altceva ai putea cere mai mult? Christian Louboutin marturiseste faptul ca nu s-a gandit la comoditate ca la o calitate principala a acestui pantof. Jocul liniilor, unghiul potrivit, curbura fidela, toate acestea se impacheteaza intr-un obiect al dorintei pentru femei (si barbati). In tot acest joc trebuie sa ramanem insa, ancorati in realitate, pentru ca atunci cand incalti o pereche de pantofi legi o promisiune: aceea de a-i purta pana la sfarsitul serii. Cu demnitate.
EN: When I chose this pair of shoes from LUISAVIAROMA, I was thinking about Florence, the capital of Italy’s region called Tuscany. Also, my mind flew at Firenze4Ever and the style workshop they hold every year. I’ve always seen high heels as a must in every woman’s wardrobe, around which you can easily create all kinds of outfits. Christian Louboutin said at one point that a high heel can transform its wearer; he was also talking about the two sides of a woman the high heel shapes: by wearing a tall pair of shoes she can either seem strong, determined or aggressive, yet in the same time frail, sensitive, helpless, as if she’s need someone to hold her while she’s taking small, delicate steps.
Let’s get something straight: high heels are not comfortable, yet they completely change your posture, body language and attitude, while they also create a taller, better version of you. Could a girl wish for more? Christian Louboutin admits that he never considered comfort a quality his shoes should have. The delicate lines, perfect angles, the curves, all of these are wrapped together in a desirable temptation for both women and men. We need to keep in mind, though, that when we decide to wear a pair of heels for the night we also make a promise: to wear them until the end of the night. With dignity.
“I’m not afraid of heights, have you seen my heels?”
RO: Pornisem, dupa obicei, de la pantofi, cautam o pereche de pantaloni de piele si o camasa alba, insa peste noapte, camasa alba a devenit rochie tip sacou. Am adaugat cateva accesorii aurii si cercelul pentru care in ultimul timp am facut o obsesie si anume the diamond cross. Cu gandul la Florenta am pozat primul meu look pentru LUISAVIAROMA, in Gradina Botanica din Cluj Napoca (o alta obsesie, alaturi de Depeche Mode, zilele astea).
Sa vedem.
EN: I began, as always, with a pair of shoes. I was looking for a pair of leather pants and a white short, however while playing around my outfit became a blazer-dress. I added a few gold accessories and the earring I am obsessed with: the diamond cross. We shot my first look for LUISAVIAROMA while thinking of Florence, in the Botanical Garden (another obsession of mine).
Let’s see.
Hair gets lighter.
Skin gets darker.
Water gets warmer.
Drinks get colder.
Music gets louder.
Nights get longer.
Life gets better.”
RO: Nu stiu de ce dar iar imi pare toamna… gradina botanica e mai frumoasa si mai verde ca niciodata in luna august (serele te transpun in vacanta), dar in apusul auriu, totul se transforma. Daca vei ajunge vreodata prin Cluj Napoca, rezerva-ti o dupamasa pentru Gradina Botanica. Plimbarile lungi prin vegetatia luxurianta, atent aleasa si intretinuta iti elibereaza mintea de griji, ca orice alta activitate in natura… Iti promit ca te vei opri din cand in cand sa admiri aceste minunate locuri. Partea mea preferata din Gradina Botanica din Cluj-Napoca se afla chiar vis-a-vis de sere, dupa o poteca de pamant. Bancile sunt pentru citit ori pentru povesti, iar copacii giganti de acolo te duc in alta lume. Incearca sa citesti o carte aici…
Urmatoarea zi sa fi fost vineri, oare? Eram in drum spre Feleac, sa vedem ploaia de stele. Radio-ul mergea pe Rock Fm si stelele fugeau pe cer, noi discutam despre mica insemnatate pe care o avem pe Pamant cu universu-n fata. Pe cer se intrezarea Calea Lactee si imediat gandul mi-a zburat la timelapse-urile pe care le-am vazut de-a lungul verii, pe profilul lui Costin Marian. Ploaia de stele a insemnat, in fapt 3-4 stele cazatoare vazute, dorinte puse in gand si multa liniste. Daca la un moment dat te ridicai de pe spate si priveai orizontul inainte ta se-ntindea Clujul, lenes, vineri noaptea… Acestea au fost momentele mele preferata de vara, de saptamana trecuta.
EN: I don’t know why, but it kind of smells like Autumn… The Botanical garden is greener and more beautiful than ever during August, yet in the golden sunset everything is transformed. If you’re ever in Cluj, safe an evening for the Garden. The long walks through luxuriant nature help relieve stress and all the heavy thoughts that have been bothering you that day. I promise you’ll even stop once in a while to take it all in. My favourite part of the Garden is vis-a-vis from the green houses. There are benches there, for readers or chatter and the huge trees take you to another world. Try reading a book there… The next day was Friday, I think? We were driving to Feleac, to see the falling stars. Rock FM was on the radio and stars were falling in the sky as we were talking about how little we mean in front of the Universe. I saw the Milky Way on the sky and I immediately thoughts of Costin Marian’s Time Lapses. We saw around 3-4 falling stars, made wishes and enjoyed the silence. If you would get up from the grass and look ahead, you could see a lazy Cluj, glistening on a Friday night. Those two were my favorite summer moments last week, in Cluj Napoca.
WHAT I WORE: LuisaViaRoma Louboutin So Kate Patent Red Heels (indulge, here) | Andreea Raicu Blazer Dress in Black | Prive Leather Leggings | H&M Diamond Cross Earring | YSL Black Stone Ring | Hair by @vestigecentreville
RO: Astept sa imi spuneti daca ati fost sa vedeti stelele cazatoare, daca va place acest look si care este perechea voastra preferata de la Christian Louboutin.
EN: I want to know if you’ve seen any falling stars, if you like this look and what your favourite pair of Louboutin is!