IN "News"
01 April 2018
Loving Vincent – The Movie
# Entertainment # News

Loving Vincent movie, starting with the 12th of April in cinemas.

The title itself gets you in the mood – from the very first line of the story, until the last signature given by the artist. Loving Vincent was the signature used by Van Gogh during a long correspondence with his brother, Theo.
The movie starts with an unfinished letter and displays on the screen the life of Van Gogh using a modern animation technique which I must say, leaves some powerful images in your mind. Why?
Filmul pornește de la ultima scrisoare neterminată și pune pe ecran existența pictorului printr-o tehnică modernă de animare a tabloului care promite să vă lase aceste imagini întipărite în minte, pentru mult timp. De ce? First of all, 125 artists from all over the world, including Romanian plastic artists Carmen Belean and Catalina Codreanu, made 62,450 oil paintings for this film. A tremendous amount of work taking into account not only the paintings, but also the afferent rendering and the mission of this movie – to give the viewer an unique opportunity of depicting the life and artistic language of Van Gogh… The Telegraph said this movie is “breaking the animation rules …something which has never been experienced this before. “, and “Loving Vincent, van Gogh goes to Hollywood. ” Hold on Hollywood, he really is going.
