IN "Articles"
01 January 2014
Little Preview of Our Rebellion 2014

HIT play here & read! (Getting the feeling)
La multi ani frumoasele mele! SPER DIN TOT SUFLETUL ca ati stralucit in seara de revelion, dar nu in sensul ala in care toata lumea ingheata cu privirile atintite asupra voastra cand intrati in incapere…Sper ca ati stralucit langa persoana iubita, printre artificii, saruturi dulci de sampanie, printre zambete si prieteni, petrecand o prima noapte de nuitat in 2014! Pentru ca e singurul mod in care trebuie sa iti incepi anul: cu sampanie si un zambet larg pe fata!
Va las mai jos cateva dintre fotografiile noastre de la REBELION, dar ne vedem maine pe blog cu toate fotografiile si un mic filmulet despre ultima noastra dimineata din 2013, despre revelion si sentimente, prieteni si noi inceputuri…
Happy new year my beautiful ones! I really hope you shined last night, like literally SHINED, but not in a Hollywood way where everyone freezes for a moment when you enter the room… I hope you shined next to your loved one, among fireworks, sweet champagne kisses, among bright smiles and friends, spending the 1st night of 2014 in a memorable way! Because this is the only way you should start your year: with champagne & a big grin on your pretty face!
I will let you see some of our REBELLION pictures, but we will meet again tomorrow on blog, with all the pictures and a short movie about our last morning in 2013, about new year’s eve and feelings, friends & new beginnings…
See more pics on Instagram & FOLLOW ME @alinaceusan!
Kisses and good luck in the new year!
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Voi cum ati petrecut seara de REVELION //// answer that in a story! 😀