IN "Articles"
09 May 2014
Last night & my birthday gift

Unu la mana, ieri seara am fost la ziua lui Moga Diandra, am purtat dupa cum urmeaza: Smiling Shoes Gladiator sandals & La Donna LBD; CARMEN: Zara Skirt, La Donna Leather Jacket & custom made vintage eyewear.
1st thing – last night we were @ Moga Diandra’s birthday party and we wore the following: I’M WEARING: Smiling Shoes Gladiator sandals & La Donna LBD; CARMEN: Zara Skirt, La Donna Leather Jacket & custom made vintage eyewear.
2 – Ne-am distrat de minune, am pus muzica din playlistul pe care l-am avut eu cand am implinit 20 de ani. Sauce vine pe 1 iunie sa puna muzica la ziua mea. Pe ponton. All white. Classy.
2 – We had such a good time, we played the music from my 20th bday party playlist. DJ Sauce is coming back to Cluj, from Budapesta, to mark a special gig at my 22nd bday. On the lake, all white, classy.
3 – Desi ziua mea doar pe 1 iunie, am primit in seara asta un cadou extrem de tare. De la Raul. Google Glasses. Nu mai am cuvinte… see you on instagram @alinaceusan. Apropo v-am zis ca am aflat azi ca pe 30 iunie Billy Idol canta pe Cluj Arena? Booked, booked & booked! 3 VIP tickets. Sper sa ne vedem la concert. Cine vine? Cum vi se par ochelarii GLASS?
3 – Even if my birthday is on the 1t of June, tonight I got my gift from Raul, brace yourself: it’s awesome! Google Glasses! I’m out of words right now, so see you on instagram @alinaceusan. Btw, did I mentioned that Billy Idol is singing on Cluj Arena on the 30th of June? Yes. I’m going. Booked, booked & booked! 3 VIP tickets. I hope I’ll see you there! Who’s coming? What do you think of the glasses?
P.S: Am luat biletele pt Billy Idol / 30 iunie 2014, de pe