IN "Articles"
28 March 2015
Landed on my desk: Panacea Skin Diet kit

RO: Recent, am primit un colet de la Oradea. Se-ntelege, eu sunt acum in Londra si da, am pus in bagaj si una dintre cremele de mai sus. Echipa Panacēa Urban Apothecary mi-a trimis noua lor dieta organica pentru piele, care se spune ca ar ajuta pielea sa isi recapete stralucirea pe care o merita. Astept sa le testez pe fiecare in parte, sa notez evolutia si sa observ cat timp este necesar, in fapt, pentru a vedea o schimbare, in bine. Adevarul este ca eu am folosit o multime de creme de fata, tenul meu iubeste uleiurile hidratanante overnight si imi place sa aflu prima, noutatile de pe piata, in materie de cosmetica si ingrijirea fetei.
Cred, de asemenea ca este primordial sa incepi sa te gandesti mai intens, la pielea ta, in jurul varstei de 20 de ani, dar si sa folosesti crema cu factor de protectie solara pe tot parcursul anului. Ati vazut ce a patit Zmenta la Snow On Fire, nu? Nu ati vazut, oh, uitati-va la acest video, o sa vedeti la sfarsit. MORE ABOUT PANACĒA, SOON.
EN: …So this skin diet kit just landed on my desk, meanwhile, I landed in London and yes, I took one of these magical creams with me. Panacēa sent me a brand new organic skin diet which will replenish your skin with the healthy glow it deserves. Let’s see how natural ingredients are going to cope with my skin and how much time do we need to see a difference. Truth is I’ve been using all kind of face creams and oils or serums, and I like to find out ASAP about every new thing on the market.
I think it’s very important to start thinking about your skin in your twenties and also wear SPF creams all year round. I mean you’ve seen what happened to Zmenta at Snow on Fire, didn’t you? You didn’t…oh, watch this video, you will see at the end! MORE ABOUT PANACEA, SOON.
Love and kisses from London, A.
P.S: Have you tested them?