IN "Skin care"
30 July 2015
Landed on my desk: Iehana Luxury Cosmetics
# Beauty

RO: Well well, uite ce am primit in aceasta dimineata! Un colet parfumat cu trei creme de corp si una pentru ten, plus un sapun de fata cu scortisoara. Pregateam cateva tinute pentru UNTOLD in Polyvore si la un moment dat nu m-am mai putut abtine, a trebuit sa deschid cutia… Tot biroul a fost invaluit intr-o aroma de scortisoara. Aceste produse sunt 100% organice si sunt preparate pe baza de apa kangen. In japoneza “kangen” inseamna “intoarcere la origini”, iar apa kangen se presupune ca ar preveni bolile si favorizeaza in acelasi timp rejuvenarea pielii. Am folosit crema de fata pentru ten normal & mixt si imi simt pielea foarte hidratata. Dintre cremele de corp, preferata mea este crema cu ciocolata care da o nuanta aramie pielii (nu promite acest lucru, insa asta am observat eu). Sunt curioasa daca voi ati auzit de aceste produse… Let me know!
EN: Well well, look what I’ve recieved this morning! A perfumed delivery containing 3 body creams and one face cream, plus a cinnamon face soap. I was at my desk, creating some outfits for UNTOLD on Polyvore, and at one point I couldn’t bare it anymore, I has to see what was in that paper box behind my laptop. As soon as I opened the box a sweet scent of cinnamon and perfume invaded my office. These products are 100% organic and they are prepared with kangen water. In Japanese ‘Kangen’ means “return to origin”. Kangen water is a water so pure that it suggests a return to the pristine origins of our planet, before the effects of pollution. Kangen Water has beneficial effect in preventing disease and favoring skin rejuvenation. I’ve used the normal & mixed complexion cream and I have to say I feel that my face heels very hydrated. If I have to choose one body cream, my favorite is the chocolate scented one. It just looks like pudding, you wanna’ eat it asap. It also gives the skin a slightly darker hue, even if it doesn’t promise this, it’s just something I’ve noticed. I’m curious if your heard about these products… Let me know!
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