IN "Articles"
15 December 2016
Lancome Miracle Cushion Foundation

RO: E timpul sa lansam un nou concurs. Premiul de azi consta intr-un fond de ten Miracle Cushion de la Lancome. E un fond de ten cu textura ultra-usoara, hidratanta, cu un finish dewy. Ceea ce imi place cel mai mult e ca incape in orice clutch festiv, iar pentru un retus rapid, are si oglinda. Iata si intrebarea de azi…
EN: It’s time to launch a new contest. Today’s prize it’s the Miracle Cushion from Lancome. This weightless foundation has a hydrating formula and it gives you a dewy finish. The thing I like the most about this little fellow is the fact that it’s compact and it will fit in any (tiny) clutch bag. Here’s the question for today…
15th of December
RO: Machiajul de sarbatoare: accent pe ochi sau pe buze?
EN: Festive makeup – accent on the eye or lip?
Lucky No. 303