IN "Beauty"
09 June 2015
I’ve reached my goal with snowboarding
# Travel

RO: Daca vei cauta pe Instagram #SnowonFire, vei gasi o multime de fotografii care surpind festivalul de pe partie intr-un mod… in fata caruia, cuvintele se naruie… dar am sa-ncerc:
A fost al II-lea eveniment la care am participat impreuna cu echipa burn. Am fost cu ei si o parte dintre bloggeri, la Dirt on Fire (Electric Castle) in vara anului 2014, insa iarna in martie am ajuns la munte. Acest festival este un must have al lunii si devine un motiv in plus de a purta haine calduroase si comode, de a face miscare si de a te bronza in acelasi timp. Fo real! Nu uitam de factorul de protectie, pentru ca soarele nu te iarta la asemenea altitudine, nici macar in luna
Cei mai buni rideri isi dau intalnire pe partia din Harghita, unde se intrec in inaltimi si-n 360-uri ametitoare, sub privirile care emotionate, care entuziasmate ori mirate ale spectatorilor. Atmosfera e efervescenta, lumea danseaza pe partie, in timp ce concurentii fac spectacol, in aer. Toate camerele indreptate catre noi, in transmise live pe Eh, nu spre noi, ci spre ei, fara de care acest snow fest nu ar fi posibil: snowboarderii profesionisti din Romania, care se dezvolta pe astfel de partii. Nu pot decat sa le multumesc celor de la burn pentru aceasta experienta, insa si celor pe care i-am cunoscut ca mi-au ingaduit momente din timpul lor. Riderilor pentru c-au fost acolo si pentru ca au demonstrat ca exista performanta, ambitie, frumsete, dorinta si cate si mai cate!
Dupa apusul soarelui am deschis un burn si am demonstrat, inca o data faptul ca acolo unde cerul este limita, burn nu are una. Pe bune, am si poza care sustine afirmatia (ok, e colaj), o gasiti pe Facebook-ul meu cu hastag-ul #snowonfire. Enjoy the photos we took in this amazing place, peace out!
EN: If you’ll look for #SnowonFire on Instagram, you’ll find dozens of photos of the festival that will just… take your breath away and make words seem pointless… I will try, either way.
It was the second event at which I participated with the burn team. I’ve been with them and some of the bloggers to Dirt on Fire (Electric Castle) in 2014’s summer, yet this winter we ended up in the mountains, in March. This festival is a must have, it takes place every year at the end of March and it gives you another reason to wear warm and comfy clothes, to exercise and to tan in the same time. Let’s not forget about the SPF, because the sun will not spare you at that height, not even in March. The best riders meet in Harghita, on the slope, they compete in jumps and dizzying 360s and in the evening they always arrive early at the party. The atmosphere is effervescent, people are dancing on the ski slope, while the contestants put up a show in the air! All cameras are pointing at us, transmitting live on Ah well, let’s be honest, they point at them since there would be no snow fest without the professional snowboarders of Romania, who grow and flourish on these slopes. I can only thank the burn team for this experience and I’m also thankful for the moments I shared with the people I met there.
After the sun set I opened a burn and I proved, yet again, that where the sky is the limit, Burn has no limit. For real, I even have photo proof (ok, it’s a collage), you can find it on my Facebook with the hashtag #snowonfire. Enjoy the photos we took in this amazing place, peace out: