IN "Articles"
29 July 2015
It will be fun they said: Dinner in the Sky Experience
# Featured

RO: Trebuia sa existe si o postare post-eveniment pentru ca dumnica asta a fost iesita din tipare: am pasit curajosi pe covorul rosu, ne-am asezat fiecare la locul lui si-am zambit inghitind in sec, la poza:
EN: There had to be a post-event article on my blog, because this Sunday was like no other: we’ve bravely stepped on the red carpet, we took a seat and smiled kinda’ tensed to the lens:
RO: Adevarul e ca atunci cand m-am vazut prinsa in scaun, cu o salatica de de vita-n fata si paharul de vin in dreapta, stiam ca nu mai aveam scapare. Sincera sa fiu, privind de jos in sus nu mi se parea cine stie ce, insa cand am ajuns la 50 de metri in aer, ma cam tineam de masa… Cineva trebuia sa imi faca o poza in primele 10 minute, ca astea pe care le avem sunt deja prea curajoase. MC-ul cinei m-a intrebat la un moment dat, cu o privire curioasa si calda in acelasi timp: Ti-e bine, totul ok? well Sir, when it’s going good it’s going great, imi spuneam eu in timp ce-am baut o gura zdravana de vin alb sec. Si totul a fost in regula pana la urma, ne-am simtit bine, am servit vinuri alese, am mancat preparate special pregatite pentru noi in parteneriat cu restaurantul Marty si am ascultat-o cu mare drag pe Alexandra Violin, ba chiar am si cantat cu ea la un moment dat. Experienta in sine e una foarte tare, daca ai frica de inaltimi e bine de stiut ca o vei mai potoli nitel, asa ca va recomand sa participati la Dinner in the Sky, daca platforma va ajunge in orasul vostru. Hai sa scoateti niste poze bune de Facebook si “dati aripi” unor copii talentati (caci incolo se indreapta banii platiti pe-aceasta cina)
Truth is I knew I couldn’t get out of this situation as soon as I found myself buckled up and I saw the beef salad in front of me. To be honest, while watching from down below it didn’t seem that much of a deal, but as soon as I saw myself up in the air, I sort of locked my hands onto the table. The MC actually looked at me for a second with a curious and warm expression and asked me: “Are you ok, it’s everything going good” – well Sir, when it’s going good it’s going great I said to myself, while taking a big sip of that white whine glass in front of me. And everything went well after all, we had fun, we tasted some special wines and we ate the best food, freshly cooked for us by Marty restaurants’ chefs. It’s worth dinning in the sky, and I advice you to try this experience if the platform comes to your city. Come on, you’ll get some cool Facebook photos and you will also help talented kids go on their chosen path in life (cuz’ there’s where the money goes)
RO: Si acum probabil va intrebati pe unde mai ajunge conceptul Dinner in the Sky anul acesta… din cate am inteles se vor indrepta catre Bucuresti la inceputul lunii septembrie (weekendul 4-6), la Palatul Mogosoaia, insa mai multe detalii puteti afla daca intrati pe site-ul ori Facebook-ul lor, sunt foarte rapizi in raspunsuri, asa ca nu va temeti sa trimiteti un mesaj. A fost o experienta de neuitat pentru noi, din toate punctele de vedere.
EN: And now you might be asking yourselves where will the next dinner take place in Romania. From what I’ve heard they are going to Bucharest on the 1st weekend of September @ Palatal Mogosoaia, but you can find more details about the future events from their site or their Facebook profile, they are very quick in answering messages, so don’t be afraid to ask. It was an unforgettable experience for us.