IN "Summer"
14 September 2018
Istituto Marangoni Week 3 – Final Exam and My thoughts on this experience
# Articles # Fashion # Milano # Travel # Video

Back in Milan
After the extended weekend spent in Rome with Raul, I returned to Milan where I started preparing for the last week of study and the final exam. I continued the courses and also the activities that I was running off schedule (see the vlog) while using my night time to prepare for the countdown. As the date of 14th was approaching me, so did my emotions. Although I had spoken in public so many times, and I knew I had no problem with that, the anticipation of that moment was still leaving me a little bit anxious, a little bit nervous.
How was the overall Istituto Marangoni experience for me?
Where should I start?. It was a challenge for me to live in Milan for three weeks, I knew that when I picked the course – I knew what was waiting for me, I knew I would go through all sorts of emotions and situations but as usual – as it happens with each and every experience where we are filled with mixed feelings and emotions – it was an experience that enhances my overall growth.
It helped me open my mind, read the fashion podiums and the trends that either start, develop or die in a different way than I used to. I’ve made new friends (we still keep in touch), I’ve learned really useful things for the field I’m working on, it’s been an experience that I would recommend to anyone looking to find new growth opportunities.
How was the exam?
For the final exam, we had to prepare and present a Trend Book for 2020 in our vision. Starting from the global events that are in progress, but also from the current micro and macro trends, the images from the runway research – online or offline and after three weeks of study and courses that should have developed both our technical and creative skills, we were prepared to go out in front of the classroom. I was the first one to present, and the final mark was 85 out of 100 points. I got the final grades about two weeks after returning home and the diploma, on the spot. Like most Marangoni related things -all the grades were displayed online, in our student account.
#FashionSeries on Youtube
When I started the Fashion on Youtube series I naturally thought about the videos you would like to see – suggestions for different events, how do I prepare my clothes, the classic closet tour formats, like what’s in my bag , but also episodes of this kind – longer vlogs that are related to fashion, interviews and events. I hope that this series will be as useful as it was for you, in the next period we will focus precisely on this area. Proposals are, of course, welcome.
Now please sit down comfortably, put your headphones on and press play to see my last week in Milan – the exam preparation, the experience at the Milan Unique Fair and the last moments spent in the apartment before the flight to Cluj.