16 September 2014

Sunt zile in care tot ce vreau e sa ascult cantece romantice si sa visez. Intr-un mod frumos, nu prostesc – doar ca vis.
Sunt momente in care ma uit peste fotografii si abia astept sa gasesc momentul perfect pentru a le posta aici si… dintr-o data, parca nu mai visez… Chris Daughtry canta pe fundal – “In The Air”, eu imi numesc articolul dupa piesa si una cate una, fotografiile se uploadeaza pe blog, oferindu-va o explicatie vizuala a visarii mele. Fotografiile surprind o tinuta eleganta pe care am purtat-o de curand, la nunta unor prieteni. Sunt inca indragostita de culorile rochiei si imi place si-acum contrastul dintre bronzul tarziu de septembrie si pantofii stiletto neon. Bea cineva sampanie asta-seara …? – Nu! – ma gandeam eu, pentru ca e marti si ar fi stupid daca nu e nimic de povestit, de sarbatorit. Dar mai putem visa pentru cateva momente, aplauzele din fundal palesc si eu imi amintesc cat de mult s-au schimbat lucrurile in ultimii doi ani si cum acel proces de VISARE, a fost calea perfecta de a-mi spori dorintele si de a ma aduce mai aproape de materializarea lor in viitorul apropiat.
Sper sa va placa rochia, sper ca visati mult la ceea ce doriti sa indepliniti si sper ca visele va sunt mari!
Visezi vreodata?
There are days when I just wanna listen romantic songs and dream…
There are moments like this when I just sit around, I’m looking at some pictures I made for you and can’t wait to post them online. So all of a sudden I ain’t dreaming anymore… I’m just listening to Chris Daughtry singing “In The Air”, naming my post after it and giving you a glimpse of one of my elegant looks that I’ve worn for a fancy wedding. I absolutely love this nude, peach, royal dress from Dalsy and the whay that the neon pumps contrast nicely with the late september tan. Anyone drinking champagne tonight? No, no, I thought so, it’s Tuesday and that would be stupid since there’s nothing yo celebrate. But we can keep dreaming for a while, the applause fade and I just remember how things were about two years ago, and how DREAMING more and more at that time, was the perfect way to enhance my wishes and make them true, in the close future.
Hope you like the dress, hope you dream big!
Do you ever dream?
Abou the look:
Do you ever dream? How do you dream, when and where? But must of all what’s your dream?
Love, A.