IN "Articles"
19 May 2019
In Preparation for #AcIbizaBachelorette

Ibiza has always been my top of mind choice when thinking about a bachelorette party. My party, to be more precise. Carmen and Cora already knew about this idea and the plan which was only a plan at that point. When things got serious and we got to reserve the castle for the wedding, we said ok, we gotta start planning this Ibiza trip. And so we did.
For accommodation I went for a villa which also has a pool and that’s because I wanted my gang to get that summery vacation vibe, that Ibiza vibe. I looked for a number of option with the help from Harbour One – they have all sorts of rental services in Ibiza – from villas, to transport, to boats, chefs or excursions and can help with almost everything. We have kept in touch all this time with Ben (Benjamin Hartmann) from Harbour One –we talked almost daily on Whatsapp about the reservations we can make for the lunch / dinner on the island, where we can check the nicest parties, and overall, the coolest places we should get to during our short stay on the island.
I made sure the villa we’ll stay in will be big enough to welcome all of us, 13 girls – me, Carla, Carmen, Cora, Ingrid, Ina and Adina (the Godmothers), Gaby, Lavi, Andra, Ana, Diana and Ada, my high school bestie, who will come all the way from Dublin. I can hardly wait for that moment to be honest (we are still on the plane from Cluj to Barcelona) and install, get to know each other – for some girls this will be the first encounter, but I rely on the fact that we are a nice gang and everybody will accommodate fast.
Some of the reservations were made in advance, such as the cocktail date from Paradiso Hotel and the WikiWoo hote hotel lunch, but also a festive dinner at STK Ibiza. @the_goodfoodguy (Cristian) will cook for us tonight when we get to the villa – (he’s a specialist in keto / paleo food) and sincerely I cannot wait to taste the menu tonight, which sounds like this:
Spanish tortilla with organic eggs and vegetables from the island, a slice of veto bread with mozzarella buffalo, guacamole and alfalfa, the meat-based main course – grilled skirt steak with vegetables and green salad / bio aubergine curry with coconut cream + cauliflower rice / red rice and, of course, the desert, chocolate cake with natural sugars, strawberry, arandandanos, decorated with mint leaf.
I wanted to have a dinner at home with the girls even when we are not in a hurry, it’s good to have that special time to install and accommodate during the first night, I think everyone will be pretty tired. In fact, now that I’m giving it a second thought, I’ve heard Carmen and Cora talking about a party where Marco Carola will mix tonight on the island … so I guess we’ll see.
Saturday night we’ll have dinner at STK Ibiza, a place I’m so curious to see – Gaby will not be with us on the 18th because she has to come back in Romania, but we’ll be 12 girls for dinner and party. These are the bookings we made in advance,WikiWoo, Hotel Paradiso and STK Ibiza, as well as the welcome dinner in the night of our arrival. The rest of the program will be set on the spot. Honestly, I want to have fun, but at the same time I just sit by the pool and relax.
We have prepared two custom swimsuits for each girl – a new texture – velvet, pastel colours, on the already existing patterns from INFSD and an essential kit for the next weekend, a small surprise for our girls, in collaboration with@foreo, @xpertbeauty, @jolidon @infsd.swimwear and @tangleteezer – some essential things for the bachelorette week-end, some of my favourite beauty products and so on. We will soon have these kits available for you as well, because a new contest will be soon awaiting you on Instagram. Stay tuned!
I know that in most cases, the bachelorette party is organised by anyone other than the future bride but I enjoyed this adventure from idea to the fact that I am now on the plane – we just landed in Barcelona – I am with my sister Carla , with Ina and Adina, Ingrid and Carmen, and slowly, the initial idea that I had about this party starts to gain contour and context. The gang from Bucharest will soon arrive with us in Ibiza and we have two cars waiting for us that will take us further to the villa.
I wouldn’t have succeeded without the help I received from my team at Global: Bianca, Sabrina, Alina – who were the first to receive the keynote with my ideas about the trip – what we are looking for, how many girls we will be, flight schedule, mood board, colours. Similarly,Ben fromHarbour One and his team from Ibiza, Geta and Zen Day Team who helped us a lot – thank you very much for the cartoons printed on the last moment(I printed them in Cluj, at @innoverprinting, see them on my instagram) and for the contacts here, in Ibiza. My mother, who listened to me each time, my devoted voice on the other end of the phone when we chatted about all sorts of things and the girls holding the group active so far. I can not wait to see you all!
#AcIbizaBachelorette it’s ON