IN "Looks"
13 May 2015

Photographer: Carmen Grebenisan
RO: Azi a fost atat de cald si de frumos in Cluj, cred ca pot spune ca am simtit ca este cu adevarat vara. Am iesit cu Carmen la Pergola/Cetatuie, am baut un cocktail si am facut niste fotografii de look. Azi am purtat sandalele Barbie de la MARZO (extrem de comode, vi le recomand), o pereche de pantaloni vintage, un top simplu si ochelari cu lentila colorata, care (dooh) mergeau de minune cu pantalonii. Soarele a apus cat timp noi faceam poze in iarba si incet-incet, fundalul licarea de insecte curioase care se-ntrebau odata cu noi: Unde merge soarele si cand se-ntoarce…
EN: Today was such a hot day in Cluj, I think I can truly say it felt like summer. We had a cocktail at Pergola/Cetatuie and we took some quick look snaps. Today I wore the Barbie sandals from MARZO (truly comfortable, I recommend them to you), a pair of vintage trousers, a simple top and magenta sunglasses which (ooh) worked so well with the whole look. The sun was going down while we were taking pictures in the park and slowly, the background was twinkling full of curious insects wondering with us: Where does the sun go and when will it be back…
VINTAGE TROUSERS (find similar here)
NEW YORKER SUNGLASSES (shop similar here)
P.S: If you like my HENNA sleeve tattoo, you can book your own right here. She’s such a sweet girl and such a talented artist. But I’ll tell you more about my HENNA JOURNEY soon, on blog