IN "Articles"
23 May 2015
“I’m not a leader now. I’m a whole damn army.” ― Joss Whedon, Fray

WHAT I WORE: DRESS from – City Escape Collection, Summer Leather Wedges from MARZO, random Military berette + DIY Embellishment. Vintage RAY BAN Sunglasses.
RO: E un soare frumos pe cer, ca n-are rost sa stai in casa. Daca ai o gradina botanica in orasul tau, iti propun sa o vizitezi. Pentru o suma modica vei primi beneficii nenumarate. Te incarci cu energie, in mijlocul orasului (cel putin a noastra GRADINA e in mijlocul orasului). Ne-am pierdut vreme de doua ore printre palmieri, nuferi si pasari, am devorat din priviri de pe vreo banca de piatra, vegetatia luxurianta. E un peisaj magic, merita!
Am purat o rochie MOJA, din colectia lor “City Escape”, botine Marzo verde brad si o bereta pe care am luat-o dintr-un magazin specializat, din Cluj Napoca (Strada Napoca, pentru cunoscatori).
EN: It’s such a beautiful weather it’s a pity to stay at home. If you have a botanical garden near you, I suggest you go there to witness some natural miracles. You will feel recharged, in the heart of the city (or at least our GARDEN is in the middle of the city). We wondered for about two hours into the garden, while gigantic palm shadowed our way, at the sunset. You can just get lost in there, I just sat on a big stone for a while and devoured the luxurious vegetation for a while. It’s a magical landscape, you should see it!
I’ve worn a MOJA dress, from their latest collection entitled “City Escape”, Marzo Summer Wedge Boots, in a delightfully dark green pine shade. I bought the berette from a local store specialised in hats (Napoca Street, for connaisseurs).
P.S: One escape after another, we will see you tonight at the 1st Alandala event of the year @ CASINO, Parcel Central – this afternoon…
Photographer: Carmen Grebenisan