IN "Articles"
17 May 2015
I have enough clothes and shoes. I don’t need to go shopping. – Said no woman ever.

Sala Palatului. O intindere infinita de bijuterii, haine semnate de designeri romani si piese vintage sclipea in razele soarelui de sambata. Am descoperit zeci de piese statement pe care mi-as dori sa le pot aduce cu mine la Cluj, dintre care voi mentiona: un coat in dungi satinate bleu, de la Concept A Trois, o rochie cu ciucuri de la Manuri, disponibila la standul MOJA, bijuteriile de la Atelier Éclat Pékin, Sandalele gladiator de la MOJA, pantofii Golden Heart si Silver Heart de la Cathias Edeline, absolut toate piesele de la ARGO (hainele redau tablouri imprimate pe matase, poti purta practic o opera de arta), pantalonii cu paiete (some kind of a walking mermaid) de la Oana Lupas, fusta de pene neagra, tot de la ea, clutch-urile Laura Olaru, cu precadere clutch-ul tubular alb, cu ciucuri. Am descoperit sute de cercei cu clips, gentute aurii din zale, cutii vintage de pudra a caror provenienta si istorie continua sa ma fascineze, cape din perioada interbelica, head-piece-uri statement sau coliere de perle Nina Ricci, dar si piese din Italia anilor 80′: Versace, Gucci, Valentino. Targul este o adevarata bucurie pentru ochii oricarei femei, va spun. Am gasit bijuterii superbe, absolut superbe, simple, insa cu o incarcatura emotionala puternica… am luat carti de vizita de la ateliere care realizeaza pantofi la comanda (si crede-ma, au foarte multe mostre de piele din care poti alege) si am avut parte de o zi plina. La final m-am simtit obosita, insa fericita datorita noilor achizitii, noilor contacte si cunostiinte. V for Vintage e un targ foarte cool si nu spun asta doar pentru ca am venit sa scriu despre acest eveniment, ci pentru ca am stat acolo opt ore si am vazut haine, accesorii, pantofi si piese pe care altfel nu le-as fi putut descoperi si mi-a placut. Le multumesc fetelor pentru invitatie si le felicit pentru aceasta editie, pentru munca pe care o depun in fiecare an (de doua ori). Le multumesc si expozantilor care ne aduc la fiecare editie atatea motive de zambet. Stiti cum sunt femeile. Shoes make me happy, I’m superficial, WHATEVER.
Azi in voi incepe ziua cu un machiaj la standul Douglas si ma voi lasa dusa de valul cumparaturilor, pentru ca nici o femeie nu a spus vreodata: “I have enough clothes and shoes. I don’t need to go shopping.” Said no woman ever. Si nu, nici eu n-am destule la Cluj si teoretic, mai pot adauga in bagajul de avion inca 10 kilograme de haine… Am plecat spre targ, ne vedem acolo!
EN: Location: Sala Palatului. An infinity of jewelry, clothes by Romanian designers and vintage pieces was shining in the Saturday morning‘s dewy light. I discovered dozens of statement items that I wish I could bring with me back to Cluj. I’d like to mention a blue striped coat by Concept A Trois, a dress adorned with pompoms by Manuri (found at the MOJA stand), the jewelry from Atelier Éclat Pékin, the MOJA gladiator sandals, the Golden Heart and Silver Heart shoes from Cathias Edeline, literally everything from ARGO (the clothes have paintings imprinted on them, you can basically wear a famous artwork), the sequined pants from Ana Lupas (some kind of a walking mermaid) and also her black feather skirt, the Laura Olaru clutches, especially the white one, also with pompoms. I discovered hundreds of clip on earrings, golden chain mail purses, vintage powder boxes whose source and history continues to fascinate me, capes from the interwar period, statement head pieces or Nina Ricci pearl necklaces and also pieces from the 80s Italy: Versace, Gucci, Valentino. The fair is a sight for sore eyes, I found gorgeous jewelry, breathtakingly beautiful, simple, yet emotionally charged. I got the card of every atelier from which you can order custom made shoes and trust me, there are plenty to choose from. It’s been a full day at the end of which I felt tired, but happy about my new purchases, contracts and acquaintances. V for Vintage is an extremely cool fair and I’m not only saying it because I came to write about this event, but because I spent eight full hours roaming around, studying clothes and accessories I could’ve never seen otherwise. I would like to thank the girls for the invite and to congratulate them for this edition and for how much they have to work to make it come true twice every year. I also want to thank the designers and sellers who, with every edition, bring along reasons for us to smile. You know what women are like. Shoes make me happy, I’m superficial, WHATEVER!
Today I will start by getting my makeup done at the Douglas stand and then I will give in to more shopping, because no women ever said “I have enough clothes and shoes. I don’t need to go shopping.” Therefore no, I don’t have enough either and theoretically I can add 10 more kilos in my suitcase, so see you at the fair!