IN "Beauty"
03 September 2016
How to: Overnight volume & texture
# Beauty

RO: Salutare, azi vreau sa va scriu rapid cateva cuvinte despre o varianta de overnight efortless hair pe care am descoperit-o recent si care ma scapa de grija parului, dimineata. LOVE IT. Incep prin a-mi spala parul (Densifique, Kerastase), aplic masca, apoi ulei Moroccan Oil pe varfuri si il las sa se usuce natural. Inainte de culcare, impletesc parul cu capul in jos – lejer, nu foarte strans, dupa care prind codita intr-un soi de coc, cu o agrafa. Dupa ce imi fac cafeaua, desfac parul si folosesc pudra de volum Vintage Dust de la Alfaparf, pe care o aplic la radacina, dupa care folosesc degetele pentru a distribui produsul si parul este gata. As easy as that! Am filmat tot procesul in aceasta dimineata, asa ca va invit la mine pe Snapchat (@alinaceusan) sa vedeti cum arata parul dupa o noapte de somn. Kisses!
EN: Hello girls, today I wanna’ tell you a few words about a new overnight efortless hair method I’ve discovered recently which works wonders for my hair (and mood). I start by washing my hair – right now I’m using Densifique from Kerastase, I apply the mask, rinse it all of and add Moroccan Oil on the ends. I will now let my hair dry by itself and avoid the heat-related damage. Before going to bed I gently braid my hair with my head turned upside down and just secure it with a bobby pin, so I don’t look like a scorpion. After I have my morning coffee, I will unbraid my hair and use the Vintage Dust volume powder from Alfaparf to give the hair even more volume & texture. And voila, I’m ready for a new day. I have everything on video on my Snapchat account (@alinaceusan) so come join me to see how it’s made. Kisses!