IN "Articles"
17 December 2014
Holiday Series: STOCKING STUFFERS from Avon

Holiday Series: STOCKING STUFFERS from Avon
Pentru ca nu mai e mult pana la Craciun si avem o gramada de lucruri de facut, e timpul sa apelam in cel mai serios mod la shopping-ul online. Daca esti fericita posesoare a unui case cu semineu, noi cele care nu sunt atat de norocoase, te rugam din suflet nu pierde timpul si gandeste-te la acest colt al casei ca la un epicentru al Craciunului. Da fuga pana la magazin sau cauta online niste sosetute specifice si acorda-ti putin timp pentru a-l decora cum se cuvine. Eu nu am semineu, sar peste partea ata in acest an, insa am ales cateva produse de la Avon, din shop-ul lor online, pentru cei dragi:
Because there are just a few days left until Christmas and we have tons of stuff to do, it’s time to take advantage of online shopping. If you are the lucky owner of a fireplace, do us a favour and think about it as the epicentre of your house this Christmas. Order some red santa stockings and take the time to decorate this corner as you wish. I don’t have a fireplace, I’ll skip the issue this year, but I’ve chosen some products from Avon, from their online shop, just to complete the gifts I already got:
Setul Avon Femme (pret nou: 64,99 lei; pret vechi: 100) – Setul include: apa de parfum, lotiune de corp si gel de dus. Face parte din ansamblul de cadouri pt mama. L-am lasat deja sub brad 😀
Avon Femme Set (new price: 64,99lei; old price 100lei) – the set includes: shower gel, body lotion and a perfume. This will be a great gift to complete my mom’s present. I’ve already placed it under the Christmas tree. 😀
Rujul Ultra Color Bold (pret nou: 12,99 lei; pret vechi: 26 lei) ofera culori tari pentru nopti albe in perioada sarbatorilor de iarna si, tot in aceasta perioada, este disponibil cu o reducere de 50% – Am ales culoarea Bold Bordeaux pentru Carla, pentru ca am vazut ca posteaza in ultima vreme poze cu ruj visiniu pe Instagram si o sa ii vina bine. E domnisoara acum si culoarea Bold Bordeaux, pe care o am si eu de ceva timp, o sa o ajute sa realizeze un machiaj simplu si de efect pentru sarbatori.
The Ultra Color Bold Lipstick (new price 12,99lei, old price 26lei) – offers bold colors for endless holiday nights. I’ve chosen Bold Bordeaux for my sister Carla, because I’ve seen her posting pictures of herself wearing burgundy lipstick on Instagram and I think that this lipstick will help her achieve a simple yet beautiful look for holidays.
Si ultimele doua produse din seria stocking stuffer from Avon – Spumant de baie Mrs. Frosty si Spumant de baie Mr. Frosty, pentru momente de rasfat, intr-un design festiv (fiecare la numai 9,99 lei; pret vechi: 17 lei) Mrs. Frosty are aroma de merisoare si portocala – pentru Carmen, iar Mr. Frosty: aroma de mar si scortisoara – pentru iubitul ei Sorin.
And the last two products I’ve ordered as stocking stuffers from Avon are bubble bath set – for Carmen and Sorin. Mrs Frosty – cranberry and orange for Carmen, and Mr. Frosty with apple and cinnamon for her love, Sorin.
Va invit sa intrati pe si sa consultati brosura online, pentru cadouri care corespund tuturor preferintelror si buzunarelor. Nu uitati sa adaugati un mic mesaj cadoului prin care sa le adresati celor dragi cateva cuvinte frumoase, o urare de Craciun.
I’m inviting you o take a look on if you want to find some gifts for everyone. Stocking stuffers all the way! Don’t forget to add some of your thoughts and a personal touch to your gifts by writing something nice for the person who gets the gift.
Holiday Series: Burgundy dress inspired by Bold Bordeaux
Shop the Bold Bordeaux inspired dress from my capsule collection here.