IN "Articles"
15 February 2014
H&M 15minutes Styling Challenge

Salutare frumoasele mele, ma bucur ca va beti cafeaua pe blog si azi cu noi, ieri am participat la evenimentul H&M + Glamour in Iulius Mall, am facut fotografii, am gasit noi tinute pentru seara de Valentine’s, tinute pe care intre noi fie vorba le vom putea purta si in alte contexte. Vorbind de alte contexte, cei de la H&M au lansat un concurs in cadrul event-ului, o provocare mai exact: un styling de 15 minute, ai la dispozitie toate hainele din H&M, date-ul de Valentine’s drept inspiratie si cateva minute pentru a te imbraca. Vazand ca nimeni nu ridica mana, frumusel, stiind ca deja primisem doua carduri pentru giveaway, am intrebat: eu mai am voie? Ma simteam ca in clasa a VII-a. Daca aveti impresia (asa cum aveam si eu de atlfel) ca e usor sa alegi o tinuta in 15 minute, nu e!(eh, dracie, ai la dispozitie tot magazinul, cine nu s-a plimbat vreodata visand cu ochii deschisi prin H&M facand scenarii in minte…) Nici macar nu trebuie sa fie H&M! Orice magazin vreti voi!
Scenariul 1: Toti vanzatorii ingheata pentru 20 de minute, iti poti alege orice din magazin, iti iei asta si asta si asta…
Scenariul 2: Esti blocata in mall cu cea mai buna prietena peste noapte. De mentionat ca in day-dream-ul nostru toate magazinele sunt deschise, luminate, muzica merge iar noi ne putem desfasura in voie, la cumparaturi nocturne. Poate deschidem si o sampanie, luam niste role de la magazinul cu articole sportive si dam o tura pana la Auchan, poping bottles. (Desigur, muzica merge in continuare)
Scenariul 3: Pur si simplu ai voie sa iti alegi tot ce vrei.
Hello my beautiful ones, I’m happy that your drinking your coffee on blog again, yesterday we went to the H&M + Glamour event in Iulius Mall, we took pictures and we found new combos for our Valentine’s Day outfits (which, btw, we can wear in many other situations). Talking about situations, H&M had a special contest for us, or more of a challenge: a 15 minutes styling session, you can choose items from the entire H&M store, and make a Vday inspired look, for a date. As I saw that no one seemed to want to enter the competition, I raised my hand in the air, asking if I’m still aloud to enter since I’ve already received 2 fashion cards for the giveaway. I just felt like a 7th grader. If you imagine that choosing an outfit in 15 minutes it’s easy (sure I also believe this!), it’s not! (Come on, you have all the H&M items you want, you should admit it, you’ve done it: walking around the store, day-dreaming about how you could have everything for yourself…) It doesn’t even have to be H&M! It can be any store you wish!
Screenplay 1: Everyone freezes for 20 minutes, you can choose whatever you want from the store.
Screenplay 2: you are stuck overnight in the mall with your best friend. Of course in our dream, all the sores are still opened, lit and the music is playing, what the hell, you can even take a pair of roller-blades from the sport dept. and take a ride to Auchan, pop some champagne. (The music is still playing…)
Screenplay 3: you can choose what ever you want, by default, because you are Kim Kardashian or something
Ah, dar sa revenim! 15 minute, o tinuta, dupa pozele before se da startul. Nu e deloc usor sa alegi haine sub presiune, sacoul ala rosu care il vedeam deja in 3 tinute (am au o obsesie pentru sacouri) era fix marimea 44. Ultimul din magazin. Am insfacat rapid doua trei rochii, o camasa, o pereche de botine, fug spre cabina: coada! In cel mai sincer mod acum timpul ar trebui sa se opreasca, spun eu discutand cu una dintre concurente, o bruneta tunsa bob, cu ruj visiniu si un smokey in nuante de maro cald a la Burberry Prorsum. In final am iesit din cabina, am ales cu totul si cu totul alte item-uri, pastrand doar sacoul si botinele, am ajuns, am facut poze de before si am primit locul I. Nu va suparati, fata fiind, blogger, shopping is my cardio t-shirt owner, samd., am cheltuit cei 250 ron de pe fashion card o jumatate de ora mai tarziu, dupa o plimbare in parc si 2-3 poze (a se citi 20) . Tot atunci imi spuneam “ei, nu am sa merg azi la cumparaturi, pentru ca vreau sa merg maine, poate imi aleg ceva fain pentru party-ul de sambata seara de la Midi – Villalobos. Minciuni. “Poate am sa cumpar totusi palaria neagra azi. O aveam de mult pe wish list, i-ar sta bine in dulap completand frumos #InspirationalCorner – ul. O poza de acum 10 minute cu #InspirationCorner-ul din dulap…
Oh, back to what we’re talking about! 15 minutes, one look, so we started after taking the before pictures. Trust me it;s not easy at all to choose clothes when you are under pressure. I put my hands on that red blazer, and I could already see it in about 3 combos, but it had to be size 44, and also the last one from the entire store. I grabbed two dresses, a shirt, a pair of heeled ankle boots and I rushed to the changing rooms area: there was a big line. Honestly speaking now, this should not count in our contest time, I told the girl next to me, a brunette with a short bob hairstyle, burgundy lips and warm brown smokey eyes a la Burberry Prorsum. After all this, I came out of the changing room choosing completely different items, and saving just the red oversized blazer and the ankle boots, we took the pictures and I got the 1st place. Now, don’t get mad at me, but being a girl, a blogger, a “shopping is my cardio” t-shirt owner and so on, I spent the money half an hour later, after a walk in the park and 2-3 pictures (20 actually). At the same time I was saying: “I will not shop today, I will go to the mall the next day and maybe I will find something nice for the Ricardo’s party at Midi. Lies, all lies! “Maybe I will just buy the black fedora due to the fact that I have it on a wish list since FOREVER, it would look good in the closet, completing the #InspirationalCorner… yeah, you have a picture of my #InspirationalCorner below…
Explaining my outfit choice:
My H&M Valentine’s Day Look after the 15 minutes styling challenge:
Desigur, am stricat toti banii, de data asta in 10 minute, pentru ca stiam deja ce vreau, si vazusem toate articolele din magazin. Astea suntem noi fetele: fiinte delicate, ghiocei plapanzi, unghii rosii, buze moi, risipitoare, nesocotite, mână-spartă, (livresc) prodig, (rar) risipelnic, (Transilvania şi Maramureș) prădător.
Ei bine, pradator m-am simtit purtand cizmele Anei Morodan, mult iubitele Black Eva, rochia Sah Mat de la Diva Charms, colierul superb tot de la ele, o geanta Stradivarius veche de cand lumea, un sacou Choies si vesta lui Raul, semnata Constantine Renakossy (ii puteti gasi creatiile la Vestige Atelier des Beaux Arts). Fetele de la Vestige au spus ca oricum imi sade mai bine mie decat lui Raul, asa ca dragul meu iubit, iti poti lua adio de la vesta ta asimetrica, gri:
Of course, I spent all the money in like 10 minutes because I already knew what I wanted. It;s just the way girls are: delicate human beings, soft snowdrops, red nails, soft lips, lavishers, spenders, magicians when it comes down to making money fly away and so on, because we like to shop. We are predators.
And so I felt, like a predator, while wearing Ana Morodan’s Eva Black Boots, the Diva Charms Chess Dress, the superb necklace from the same supplier, an old Stradivarius Faux Fur Bag, a Choies black blazer and Raul’s vest, designed by Constantine Renakossy (find her designs here, at Vestige Atelier des Beaux Arts). The girls from Vestige said it looks better on me, so dear boyfriend, you can say good-bye to your beautiful grey vest:
SUNNIES: Escada (on SALE here -> Optiplaza)
Asadar acestea fiind spuse, sper ca si voi v-ati distrat la fel de bine de Valentine’s Day, ne vedem in seara sta la Villalobos, cu peste 900 de click-uri pe buttonul “GOING”. Toata lumea are chef de petrerecere, asa ca pregati-va tinutele si sufletul pentru dans si aglomeratie. Pentru ca va fi aglomeratie!
Kisses from Cluj!
With all these being said, I hope you had a blast this Valentine’s Day, and see you at Villalobos tonight, an event that gathered over 900 clicks on “GOING” button on Midi’s Event Page. Everybody is in the mood to party so “brace yourself”, Ricardo is coming, and I am sure it will be a full house party tonight! It will be!
Kisses from Cluj!
Photo credit: Paul Inoan
Vote my Valentino ROCKSTUD look here, click on the photo from last night @ dinner with our best friends:
Contest featured by Chiara Ferragni from The Blonde Salad