IN "Articles"
09 July 2015
Healthy Lifestyle: MyCare Test
# Articles
RO: A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai scris in aceasta rubrica a blogului si imi doresc sa scriu cat mai multe articole pe aceasta tema, pentru ca stiu ca sunt indragite si asteptate. Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre experienta pe care am avut-o cu MyCare Test, un test care detecteaza alimentele la care corpul tau are intoleranta (o lista de 120 de alimente si 15 aditivi alimentari), prin intermediul unei picaturi de sange. In Romania, 8 din 10 persoane sufera de intoleranta alimentara, iar aceasta intoleranta se manifesta prin dificultate in digerarea unor anumite alimente – de aici migrene, probleme dermatologice, probleme de digestie si balonare, dar si dificultatea de a slabi sau de a ne ingrasa. Sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre experienta mea de azi:
Am ajuns la Vestige la ora 11 si l-am rugat pe Silviu sa imi faca o ceasca de cafea. Inca nu mancasem nimic, asa ca o intreb pe Mirela daca are vreo legatura cu testul pe care urmeaza sa il fac. Imi spune ca nu. O intreb mai apoi daca vrea o ceasca de cafea si ea imi raspunde zambitoare: nu beau, am intoleranta la cafea. Fac ochii mari si ma gandesc ca de abia astept sa aflu la ce alimente am intoleranta, sperand sa nu se afle pe lista preferatele mele: branza feta, maslinele ori avocado, de carnea de peste sau pui nu mai spun, ca doar pe cele doua le mananc cu placere… toate astea imi trec prin minte intr-o secunda in timp ce cobor scarile… Ne asezam in gradina si incep sa completez un formular micut, in timp ce Mirela desface kit-ul de testare. Imi dezinfecteaza degetul aratator si pana sa imi dau seama simt o intepatura de ac. O picatura de sange se ridica pe varful degetului… in urmatoarele momente auzeam in minte fragmente din “Alba ca Zapada” (varianta pe vinil), presez degetul pe bulina alba de test si acest subiect este incheiat pentru azi. Testul pleaca azi spre laboratorul din Italia.
Tot ce v-am scris eu aici a durat 5 minute. In doua saptamani voi primi rezultatele testului si voi reveni cu un nou articol, pe blog. Astept cu nerabdare rezultatele, mai ales ca Mirela mi-a spus ca imi va face un plan de alimentatie detaliat, care ma va ajuta sa mananc sanatos, insa in concordanta cu nevoile corpului meu. In principiu trebuie sa elimini anumite alimente din dieta ta, pentru o perioada de 2-6 luni, dupa care le reintroduci treptat, pentru ca organismul tau sa se obisnuiasca cu prezenta lor. Pana atunci as vrea sa va intreb daca ati facut un astfel de test si ce rezultate ati avut. E bine de stiut ca in urma acestui test vei afla care sunt alimentele care iti provoaca balonare, disconfort, insomnii ori migrene si vei afla totodata care ar fi alimentatia pe care trebuie sa o urmezi atunci cand iti doresti sa scapi de kilogramele in plus. Sunt tare curioasa…
Daca sunteti din Cluj-Napoca si doriti sa va faceti acest test, ii puteti scrie un mesaj Mirelei la numarul de telefon 0730.562.315, sau o puteti contacta pe Facebook aici. Pretul unui astfel de test este 200 euro si testeaza intoleranta la 120 de alimente si 15 aditivi alimentari.
EN: It’s been a while since I haven’t written about this topic and I wish to write many more articles, because I know you like and appreciate them. Today I want to talk about my experience with MyCare Test, a test that detects the food your body has an intolerance to, through a drop of your blood. In Romania, 8 out of 10 people have some kind of food intolerance, that manifests through a difficult digestion – which leads to headaches, dermatological issues, bloating and also to difficulty in losing or gaining weight. Let me tell you about my experience:
At 11am I was already at Vestige, asking Silviu to bring me a cup of coffee. I hadn’t eaten anything, so I asked Mirela if that will affect the test in any way. She said no. I asked her if she would like a cup of coffee and she replied with a smile: I don’t drink coffee, I have an intolerance to it. My eyes widened as I was wondering what I would turn out to be intolerant to. I was hope none of my favourites would be on that list: feta cheese, olives or avocado, let’s not even go to chicken or fish, which I love eating. While my mind was filled by thoughts about food, we headed out and sat in the garden. I completed a small form, as Mirela was opening the kit. She disinfected my finger and before I realized it, I felt a needle prick. A small blood drop was forming on my finger… in the next moments I could hear fragments from Snow White in my head as I pressed my finger on the white test dot and the fuss was over. The test is going to Italy today. Everything I wrote about happened in 5 minutes.
In two weeks I shall receive the test results and I will write a follow-up post, on the blog. I’m waiting quite impatiently, especially since Mirela offered to make a detailed food plan, to help me eat healthier, according to my body’s needs. Basically what you need to do is to stop eating some foods for 2-6 months and after that time has passed you can introduce them in your diet again, gradually, so that your body will get used to them. Until then I would like to ask you a question: Have you ever took such a test? What were your results? It’s good to know that after taking the test, you will know which foods cause you bloating, discomfort, insomnia or headaches and you will also know what you should eat when you want to lose weight. I’m very curious…
If you’re from Cluj Napoca and would like to take the test, you can send Mirela a message at 0730.562.315, of you can find her on Facebook, here. The test costs 200 euros and it checks intolerance to 120 different foods and 15 food additives.