IN "Articles"
22 March 2016
Healthy Lifestyle: All about my “Let’s Go You” experience
# Sport

For more than a month now I’ve started the “Let’s Go You” program, together with my World Class Health Academy Cluj trainer, Sergiu Muresan. What’s for sure is that this gym has the best view in the city, so I can’t not love working out there. In the beginning, I went to the gym alone, in order to start getting used to it. I haven’t been to the gym in a long time, yet I was keeping my weight in check by taking care of what I ate. One day, as I was planning to start working out by myself, I hear Sergiu asking:
– Alina Ceusan?
– Yes, Alina.
– Sergiu Muresan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
– Likewise.
– I’m your “Let’s Go You” personal trainer, are you in a hurry or can we measure you today? It would take about 15 minutes…
– Let’s do them now. I have to start the program sooner or later (truth be told, I was waiting for my doctor’s confirmation, as I had a surgery in November)
The measuring process takes place at the beginning of the program, so you can see where you’re at; I got on the scale, measured myself – chest, waist, hips, measured my body’s fat percentage (15,8%) with a special gadget, then started talking about my lifestyle. My expectations were quite simple: abs and butt, the things every girl wants. My back, legs and arms are already toned from swimming, therefore Sergiu showed me the exercises we’ll do in order to get to the results I wanted.
I don’t follow a certain diet, however I’m doing my best to eat healthy. Right now I’ve cut carbs off my diet and added cardio workouts before each training in order to get to the abs I want. Don’t get me wrong, I am not obsessed with not eating carbs, however if I gain weight, it will always go straight to my tummy, so I’m aware that without cutting off some foods and adding workouts I will never get the results I want. WHAT I CUT FROM MY DIET: all juices, except for the fresh ones, bread and pastry, pork meat, sweets, cold meats, fast food. Sweets* – long story short, I’m not a big fan of sweets, I’d always rather go for popcorn or tortillas. WHAT I EAT: chicken, fish, seafood (I don’t eat mussels), a lot of lemon, rice, avocado, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergine, cauliflower, soups, light cheese, yoghurt, almond, soy and coconut milk, coconut butter, green tea. I eat baked potatoes too, but never with meat; meat always goes with salads. I drink protein shakes and every morning a cup of lemon water. The only time I add sugar is in my morning coffee. I eat guacamole and basically everything in Samsara’s raw-vegan menu, veggies sushi. I don’t ear raw salmon, however I like it oven cooked, with broccoli or other vegetables. I drink at least two litres of water per day (which is why the hydration level test came out very good).
Q. & A.
A while ago I added a photo on Instagram and told you to ask me everything you wanted to know about my diet and lifestyle. Here you go:
1.How come you have such a slim waist? It is like that naturally or is it only because of your workout routine and diet?
•That’s what it looks like naturally. Of course, if I don’t work out and eat too much I won’t have 63 cms like I do now, but maybe 68. But yes, genetics play a big part.
2.Can I work out at home too or do I have to go to the gym?
•You can work out at home too, however at home I don’t feel as motivated. After a few push-ups I spot some clothes that need tidying, or the cats break something and there goes my workout.
3.Do you wear a #waisttrainer for making your waist smaller? If yes, which one would you recommend?
•I while ago I received a waist trainer from @waist_trainer_x, wore it for a while, but not everyday and I didn’t measure myself so I can’t say I noticed a big difference. I want to do it properly for a month, though. Let’s start tomorrow. On the other hand, I fell in love with the waist trainer for the way it helps sustain the back. I recommended it to every woman in my life who complains about back aches. I remember wearing it for a few days, then I left for Bucharest and on the plane, I realised, due to my different posture, that I forgot it at home. I was so upset I wanted to call the girl who gave it to me, to give me a new one. In the end I was so busy shooting that I forgot about it, however I recommend it, it definitely changes your posture and it accentuates your waist while wearing it.
4.How much do you weigh? What kind of workouts you do?
•I’m 1.70 tall and weigh between 49 and 51. In order to maintain my weight, I recommend cardio workouts. I do a 10 minute cardio workout before each workout, right after stretching.
5.How many workout per week? Do you follow a daily nutrition program?
•I do around 3 or 4 workouts every week, depending on how busy I am. I don’t follow a strict nutrition program, however the Let’s Go You program also offers a diet plan. My trainer said that if I really eat what I told him, it’s ok. It’s important to eat healthy, without excesses, fast food, sodas or sweets.
6.Can you make a blog post with everything you eat in a day?
•I normally don’t take photos of my meals, but I can tell you what I ate today: for breakfast I ate half an avocado with salt, lemon and pepper, a boiled egg and a tomato + coffee and before everything, a cup of lemon water, on an empty stomach. I ate a banana later in the day, as a snack. For lunch I ate a vegetarian ratatouille and we have a friend coming over for dinner, so we’re going to cook either chicken or fish, with a salad on the side.
7.Off-Topic-Guy: Iskandar.41 asks: Is it Henna or Tattoo?
•Real tattoo dude, took about 6 hours to complete, and yes it hurts like f*ck.
8.Do you diet?
•Like I said above, I don’t diet.
9.How do you create a link between food and the gym? Are there some hours before and after a training during which you don’t eat, or eat only some foods? Also, do you think it’s better to go to the gym in the morning or evening?
•#BestQuestionEver. If you have time to go in the morning, do that! I feel so much better after a morning workout, full of energy, peaceful, I don’t feel like slapping anyone in the morning anymore. I would recommend going in the morning, around 10am. Generally I wake up, drink my lemon water, eat breakfast, read/write emails for another good hour. Then I go to the gym, where I spend around two hours, and then I have lunch in Iulius Mall, at the food court. A few days ago I posted on Snapchat what I ate right after my workout: a big grilled chicken breast with a salad and still water. I’m always hungry after the gym, so having lunch is nice. Also, I always drink a protein shake in the evenings (on days in which I work out), they help the muscles to develop.
10.+Some more questions about food, which I’ve answered in the first part of the article. If you have different questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section. Moving on…
If I have a blog playlist, be sure that I also have a gym one. Forgetting my headsets at home is not a tragedy, or my phone running out of battery, however the gym music doesn’t really help me, since it’s not BUG Mafia, AC/DC, Billy Idol or whatever else I have in my playlist. My favourite part of the workout is when I step on the treadmill/bike, set the volume on maximum and surpass my limits. Without further ado, here you can find my workout playlist, on my Youtube channel.
What’s my motivation? Well, don’t we all want a killer body for the summer? Don’t you wanna feel good in your body and not think about all the time you had to work out and wasted it? That’s my sole motivation: when I look into the mirror and see how my body becomes better, how I feel better. We all want to look better and become the best version of ourselves there is. The results will be visible too. Two weeks of sports and healthy eating are all you need in order to see your body change. You need to be confident, go to the gym, respect the program god dammit, overpass your limits, because you can. You can have that ass, you can have that body, you can have it all.
As a blogger, I live surrounded by clothes, everyday there’s a new look and the Let’s Go You program refreshed my thirst for sportswear. Shopping it is, than! I’ve been everywhere: to H&M, Hervis, Decathlon, New Yorker, I’ve been online too and bought everything I liked: colorful sports bras, OZN sports shoes, comfy leggings. In these photos I’m wearing a H&M x Alexander Wang sports bra, over my Moja net blouse, a pair of sports gloves from Decathlon, turquoise pants from New Yorker and silver sneakers from I’ve got many more sports bra and I’m trying to mix it up even when it comes to gym outfits. Meanwhile, I’ve become quite obsessed with gym shoes, so I’m planning a trainers capsule collection. I’ll dress you up for the gym, no worries. The main point is that you should feel good with your gym outfit. I would never go wearing an oversized shirt and some ragged leggings since it wouldn’t work for me, that’s for sure. I would feel like a hopeless homeless person, no matter how fit I am.
So, what is LET’S GO YOU? It’s an eight week program that helps and motivates you to change your lifestyle and behaviour. It includes coaching, a personalised meal plan and workouts assisted by a personal trainer. It will teach you how to get in shape, to work out and eat healthy, all according to your body’s needs. The program will be available in three forms: for weight loss, muscle gain and maintaining the progress. I am somewhere between muscle gain and maintaining my shape.
1. You will be enrolled in an online platform that contains info about your meal plan and trainings. You get notifications for every meal, recommended workouts and it will make it easier to keep in touch with your personal trainer.
2. You will receive an 8 week meal plan, specifically designed for your goals by doctor Cristian Margarit. The plan includes recommended meals, as well as nutrition advice and recipes, with the possibility to order from Yellow.
3. You train for eight weeks after a program created by a World Class trainer. The app will provide your training program daily, together with tips and video support, so you can properly understand everything your trainer recommended.
4. You will also have 3 sessions with your personal trainer, who will follow your evolution and give further advice. You will also receive 4 training sessions during which you will learn how to work out properly and intensely.
5. You will receive a weekly newsletter with useful tips for your new lifestyle. What’s more, your personal trainer will assist and motivate you, in order to maintain your workout’s rhythm and to reach your goals.
HOW MUCH? 360 euros. However, if you get a Worldclass subscription now, you will receive the Let’s Go You program for FREE.
In conclusion, I repeat, if you have any more questions, feel free to leave them in a comment below and I will answer in the next Healthy Lifestyle post. In the next articles I will show you the exercises I do for a better butt and abs, maybe we’ll also film a Q&A with Sergiu… meanwhile, you can follow me on snapchat, where I always upload short videos with my workouts. I’m waiting for your questions! Work out and eat healthy, since summer is coming and you wanna look good in a swimsuit, you know it! Love you girls! #WorkWorkWork
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