IN "Sport"
09 April 2014
Healthy Breakfast Idea

Buna dimineata! Tot in seria Healthy Lifestyle includem si micile placeri matinale: suc de portocale cu o lingurita de seminte de Psyllium, apa de cocos si iaurt simplu, cu banane, alune de padure, migdale si seminte de Chia. Nu numai ca arata bine, dar reprezinta optiunea mea pentru un mic dejun bun si rapid atunci cand ziua imi promite multe: shooting, scoala, cina cu baietii de la Six Martini pentru a discuta despre videoclipul pe care il filmam in weekend… si multe altele!
Perioada care urmeaza e una in care am nevoie de multa energie si concentrare si doar pentru a pune cap la cap saptamanile ce urmeaza, drumurile de Bucuresti, Color RUN-ul, Orkestra Blogger Awards (26-27 aprile) shooting-ul de la Milano (28-30 aprilie) si mica escapada la mare, la Sunwaves (1-5 mai). Mai multe despre toate astea, in curand pe blog. Cu cine ne vedem la Sunwaves? 😀
Good morning! In the same Healthy Lifestyle Page we will include this little morning pleasure: orange juice with Psyllium seeds, coconut water and a simple yogurt with bananas, hazelnuts, almonds and Chia seeds. This is my favourite option for a fast & delicious breakfast when I have a lot of stuff to do during the day: we’re shooting today, I have to go to classes, and in the evening I’m meeting the Six Martini boys to talk about their new video in which I will be playing. Can’t wait!
The next weeks are so full so I need a lot of energy to plan all the trips and the shootings for the blog: road trips to Bucharest, the Colour RUN, Orkestra Blogger Awards (26th-27th of April) shooting in Milan (28th-30th of April) and then back to Romania, back to Sunwaves, back to the beach (1st-5th of May). You will find more about all these on blog pretty soon. Are you coming to Sunwaves?
Daca aveti un blog si multa pasiune pentru scris, va puteti incrie in concursul lansat de cei de la Orkestra. Dupa cum spuneam si pe site-ul lor, colaborarile reprezinta motorul din spatele oricarui blog bun, asa ca aveti timp pana pe data de 24 aprilie sa va inscrieti in concurs. Mai multe detalii despre jurizare, despre eveniment si despre premiile puse in joc, puteti afla aici, pe site-ul
Ma bucur ca cei de la Orkestra m-au ales ca blogger oficial si astept sa va cunosc la Orkestra Awards!
If you own a blog and you are passioned about writing, you can enter the contest here. As I’ve stated on their site, the collaborations represent the engine behind any good blog, so you have time to submit your entires until the 24th o April. You can find out more about the event, the prizes and about the judging process here, on their site.
I’m happy they decided to have me as their official blogger and I’m looking forward to meet you at the event!
Little preview of the next blog post: