07 January 2014
Glittering Generalities

Locul in care scriu este foarte important pentru mine. Din aceasta cauza, folosesc diferite teme pentru inspiratie. Zilele astea biroul meu e in nuante de roz si auriu (da, e girlish). Chiar e si asa voiam sa fie, pentru ca asta ma ajuta in aceasta perioada, ma energizeaza. Am ales un nou desktop pentru iMac, pe care il veti vedea la sfarsitul articolului. Pana atunci, cateva detalii despre modul in care am schimbat biroul in cativa pasi simpli.
My desk is very important to me. Due to this fact, I use different themes for inspiration. These days, my desk wears pink & gold. (yep, it’s girlish). But this is exactly the way I wanted it to be, because these colours help me a lot right now, they energise me. I’ve also changed my desktop for my iMac, with a beautiful picture of a sunset, which you will see at the very end of this post. Until then, some details about how I changed my desk in a few simple steps.
Prima data avem nevoie de un caramello latte.
1st, we need a Caramello Latte.
Cafeaua, ceaiul sau orice alta bautura calda se potriveste perfect cu primele momente ale zilei cand de abia am deschis un ochi sa vad ce mai e nou in feed-ul meu de pe Instagram.
Coffee, tea, or any other hot drink will make a perfect combo with the 1st moments of the day. I still have one eye closed, but I’m checking up my Istagram feed for new posts from you!
Am asezat pe masa doar lucruri de care am nevoie. Dar sunt si dragute, contopindu-se intr-o pata de culoare. Starea de energie de care va spuneam.
I’ve olny set thigs I use on the desk, but they are also pretty. They coagulate in that energising-colour-spot.
Am optat asadar pentru flamingo-ul auriu care pana la urma de duce cu gandul tot la roz. L-am achizitionat de la targul de vechituri de la Negreni, de unde avem si oglinda din dormitor. Langa, o poza cu Raul, din Paris (una din preferatele mele, imi aminteste ca e acolo langa mine si ma sustine in tot ce fac.) Langa, o crema pentru maini de la Sephora, pentru ca pielea mainilor are tendinta de a se usca. Un lac de la H&M si un Body Mist de la VS. Tot in partea stanga, o cupa neagra in care imi tin cardurile foto, stick-urile cu poze si muzica, radierele, etc. In partea dreapta, cateva dintre revistele pe care le citesc zilele astea si The Look Book de Nina Garcia – o carte superba pe care o recomand tuturor. Deschisa pe birou e “Charisma” (Andrew Leigh) o carte pe care o citesc pentru facultate. Home scent-ul de la Zara Home (ginger lily) in varianta sa mica pentru un parfum discret in aer.
Vad si turn-ul Eiffel pe care l-am mutat tot pentru inspiratie.
I’ve chosen to place the golden flamingo sculpture on the left side of my desk. This is one of my favourite pieces and it also drives your thoughts to the colour pink. We have it from a local antique fair, where we’ve also purchased my vanity mirror, from the bedroom. Next, there’s a picture of me & Raul from our 1st trip to Paris. This is one of my fav pictures because it reminds me of the fact that he is always here, next to me. Right there, a Peony Scented moisturizing hand creme from Sephora, due to the fact that hands tend to get dry sometimes. Then, there’s a nail polish from H&M in the shade Pink Macaroon and a VS body mist. I also have here a black cup in which I keep all my SD cards, all my photo & music sticks, erasers & so on. On the right side of the desktop, some magazines I read right now and The Look Book of Nina Garcia, a great great great book, which I recommend for everyone. Opened, on my desk, lays my “Charisma” – a book I’m reading for school. Then, there’s the home scent from Zara Home (ginger lily) in it’s small version, for a nice, fine scent in the air.
I also see there my mini Eiffel tower which I’ve also placed there for inspiration.
Pentru acea manichiura pe care am postat-o pe instagram, am folosit kit-ul clasic de nail care de la Trind, Kit cu ajutorul caruia tin un tratament de intarirea unghiilor, de doua saptamani. Trind Nail Repair este un base coat transparent-laptos care confera o culoare frumoasa si sanatoasa unghiilor, dar cum folosind acest tratament trebuie sa il reaplic in fiecare zi, zilele astea am ales o manichiura statament. Am folosit: un lac transparent, base coat-ul Nail Repair, Glitter (il gasiti in libraria de la etaj de la Iulius Mall) si creionul de cuticule de la Trind.
For getting that nail look I’ve posted on my istagram, I’ve used the classic nail care kit from Trind. Right now I’m having a 2-weeks nail treatment for strengthening the nails. Now, Trind Nail Repair is a base coat that gives your nails a pink, healthy look, but due to the fact that this treatment needs to be re-applied every day, I wanted to play around with glitter these days, and got myself a statement manicure. I’ve used: a clear nail polish, the Trind Nail Repair base-coat, Glitter (you can find it in your local art/hobby store or at the bookstore in crafts department), and the Soft Cuticle Pen from Trind. (It’a a cuticle oil pen – and smells great!)
This is the final look of my nails:
Daca unghiile isi pierd din luciu pe parcurs, de obicei adaug inca un strat de lac tranparent. Cred ca glitter-ul arata foarte bine in gel, cu acel luciu permanent, studiat, dar eu am renuntat de mult la unghiile cu gel, pentru a opta apoi pentru lac permanent, iar acum sunt doar unghiile mele si folosesc acest tratament de intarire de la Trind, care sincer functioneaza si pe care astept sa il duc la bun sfarsit. Acum am unghiile diferite in fiecare zi. V-am lasat aici mai jos o imagine de pe Pinterest, un Diy simplu care va arata cum mi-am facut eu manichiura.
If the nails tend to get matte, and the shine fades from the glitter, I just add another top coat of clear polish. I think glitter looks stunning, somehow magical when it’s in a gel polish (like the one that use UV lamps to dry), but I gave up having gel nails a long time ago. I also tried permanent polishes like Shellac or Alessandro, but now I have just my natural nails, and I use this 2 week strengthening treatment from Trind. This Trind KIT really works so I can’t wait to go through with it. Now I have different nail everyday. Here’s a picture I found on Pinterest that shows you HOW TO do glitter nails like I did!
Era sa uit de Desktop-ul pe care vi l-am promis! Daca vreti va voi posta desktop-urile mele in fiecare saptamana.
I almost forgot about the desktop picture I’ve promised you! If you want, I can update you with my desktop every week!