IN "Looks"
13 May 2014

Ieri seara ma aflam pe scarile de marmura ale Teatrului National din Targu Mures si ma gandeam cu nostalgie la primele momente in care am urcat si eu pe scena: la Balul Bobocilor din 2007, la Miss Targu Mures in 2009, alte spectacole sau ocazii speciale cu trupa de dans… Cumva, in toata agitatia care se simtea in spatele scenei, se transmitea si in randurile publicului. Ieri seara am avut onoarea de a ocupa unul dintre scaunele de catifea rosie, rezervate pentru membrii juriului. M-am bucurat sa vad fete tinere preocupate de frumos, baieti care paseau pe scena pentru prima data si artisti tineri care merita promovati si incurajati… In cele din urma am avut parte de o seara frumoasa povestind cu prieteni vechi despre moda, street style, despre viata si cariera… la Old City Pub.
Last night I lingered on the marble stairs of the National Theatre from Targu Mures, and I found myself quite nostalgic, thinking about the 1st moments when I stood up on the stage: the junior prom in 2007, Miss Targu-Mures 2009, other shows and special occasions with the dance crew. Yesterday night, I had the honour to sit on one of the red velvet chairs, reserved for the jury. I have to say I’m happy to see young girls concerned about beauty, some boys making their 1st steps on stage, and young artists that deserve to be encouraged… After all it was a beautiful night, that ended with long talks about fashion, street style, life & career, in Old City, with Old Friends.
Smiling Shoes Gladiator L.Ed. Sandals
Diva Charms Black Tulle Skirt
H&M S/S 2014 Leather Jacket
ALDO Fringed Clutch
Orsay Golden Aviators
Diva Charms Golden Ring & Sephora Lip Stain 01 Red
Hairstyle: Loredana Rat (Boulevard Studio)
Se spune ca fetele fericite sunt cele mai frumoase… Ei bine trebuie sa recunosc: sunt foarte fericita sa impart cu voi ultimele noutati, pentru ca probabil deja Instagram-ul m-a dat de gol! Revista GLAMOUR te provoaca sa defilezi in tinuta ta preferata de street style! Accepta provocarea si trimite o fotografie pe adresa [email protected] sau pe pagina de facebook GLAMOUR Romania si participa pe data de 4 iunie la GLAMOUR Fashion Street Show. Evenimentul va avea loc la Biavati Events iar eu voi fi in juriu, alaturi de fashion & beauty editorii GLAMOUR: Oana Vasilache, Cristina Georgescu, Daniela Nitulescu, fashion editorul GQ, Ovidiu Buta, Alina si Diana (Absolutely Fabulous Muses) si Dana Rogoz!
Pasiunea pentru street style deriva din citatul “Everyday is a fashion show and the street is our runway”; fiecare dintre noi putem participa pentru cateva clipe la dezvoltarea si incurajarea street style-ului romanesc. Arata-ne ca se poate! Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci e sa trimiti o fotografie care iti caracterizeaza stilul, catre Glamour. Pe data de 4 iunie, stilistii se vor ocupa de machiajul si coafura ta, iar tu vei fi gata sa defilezi in tinuta ta preferata, pe scena!
Afla mai multe detalii despre concursul Glamour, aici!
So they say happy girls are the prettiest… And I have to say I am very happy to share a piece of news with you: GLAMOUR magazine is requesting you to dress up with your favourite street style look and join GLAMOUR Fashion Street Show! Send a picture of your street style at [email protected]o, or on their Facebook page – Glamour Romania, and join us on the 4th of June at Biavati Events where a team of professional stylists will take care of your hair & makeup @ Glamour Fashion Street Show! I willl be in the jury, next to fashion & beauty editors from GLAMOUR: Oana Vasilache, Cristina Georgescu, Daniela Nitulescu, Ovidiu Buta (fashion editor at GQ), Dana Rogoz and Absolutely Fabulous Muses, Alina Tanasa & Diana Enciu.
The passion for street style gathers its forces from the following quote: “everyday is a fashion show and the street is our runway”. Each of us can help & encourage the romanian street style for a moment. Show us it’s possible! All you have to do is send a photo that shows your street style to Glamour. On the 4th of June, the stilist will take care of your makeup & hair and you will be ready to go down the runway and show us your fav street style look!
Find out more about the Glamour contest here!