IN "Articles"
01 March 2015
Give and you shall receive

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Chic Diva Camel Coat and Blouse (order here) | Zara Leopard Trousers | Saint Laurent “Janis” Ankle Boots | Ocko Shop Mickey Mouse Hat | Daniel Wellington Classic Sheffield Watch
It’s the 1st of March, but the temperature won’t let us wear our white Alinka dresses (see on Instagram) and we just posted the picture as a card, so we don’t have to see yet another floral picture of “March be good to us”…
You know how they say – Give and you shall receive. Sometimes you just have to give them a reason to smile and all those smiles will come right back at you (in this situation, the round Mickey Mouse ears). While crossing the street I kept seeing pensive people, checking their watch in a fugitive way, while holding a package in the another hand… they scan me from the bottom to the top and then they smile. This particular one seemed to breathe through the nostrils and the mouth at the same time, his eyes were big and sparkly and he somehow looked like he experienced a big relief. The young kept searching for visual confirmation from their friends and looked away to avoid the camera… It was okey, I had a smile from them and I was pleased. What is more, I was smiling as well… I ended an appealing day (all my heartbeats went to her) waiting for spring, on top of Klausen Burger (Thanks Catalin). Cluj keeps getting more and more sublime and I’m stuck here on this only thought, listening to Ray Montagne on repeat.
More smiles for you from now on and a beautiful spring!
E prima zi a lui martie, insa temperaturile nu ne permit inca sa scoatem rochitele de azi-dimineata (nr. de pe instagram) la plimbare, asa ca v-am postat fotografia pe post de felicitare virtuala, ca de inceput de luna, ca sa nu abuzam de vizualurile florale cu un layer – “March be good to us”, peste…
Stiti cum se zice – daca oferi, primesti. Ofera-le asadar oamenilor din jur un motiv sa zambeasca atunci cand te vad (in cazul de fata urechile rotunde si negre care se ridica-n vant) si toate aceste zambete care se vor intoarce spre tine. Treceam strada si vedeam pe cealalta parte a drumului oameni ingandurati, care-si verificau fugitiv ceasul de pe-o mana si tineau vreun colet in alta… ma masurau din priviri si-apoi zambeau. Era un barbat care parca sufla pe nari si pe gura in acelasi timp si ochii ii licareau, de parca i s-ar fi ridicat o piatra pe suflet…Tinerii radeau infundat, cereau aprobarea prietenilor din priviri, apoi se fereau de aparatul foto intorcandu-si capul spre alta zari… Le-am furat un zambet si mi-a fost de-ajuns. Zambeau si muncitorii si fetele de la River Cafe si copii care nu se afiau sa-arate cu degetul, zambeam deja si eu… Am incheiat o zi lunga si plina de emotii (pentru ea) pe terasa de la Klausen Burger, in asteptarea primaverii (Multumesc Catalin). E tot mai frumos Clujul, pe zi ce trece si eu raman acorata-n acelasi gand, cu Ray la Montagne pe repeat.
Mai multe zambete pentru voi de azi-inainte! O primavara frumoasa!