03 July 2014
Gala UAD 2014 – backstage secret vibes

Wearing: MOJA by Absolutely Fabulous Red Top | MOJA by Absolutely Fabulous Trousers & Peplum | Lexa Lexa Croc Leather Belt & Clutch | Christian Louboutin Exvota Sandals | H&M Earrings | Christian Dior Mohotani Sunglasses
Gala UAD este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente de moda din Romania. Absolventii Universitatii de Arte si Design din Cluj Napoca ne-au prezentat duminica seara colectiile lor de licenta si master, la Teatrul National. Avand in vedere faptul ca deja puteti gasi galerii cu fotografii de la eveniment, m-am orientat catre un alt scop pentru acest articol. Am fost acolo de la ora 14, cand pregatirile pentru cele 14 prezentari erau in toi si am filmat pentru voi, secvente si detalii din backstage. Sper sa va placa video-ul pe care l-am facut. Mi-am dorit sa surprind o alta perspectiva a acestei gale: incaperile ascunse de ochii lumii, unde stilistii acorda atentie fiecarui model in parte si designerii isi privesc indelung colectiile, cumva uitati de timp, pe vreun scaun negru… Am fost acolo langa Raul si Simina, stiam ce inseamna backstage-ul si pregatirile, insa am observat acum totul dintr-o alta perspectiva… Echipa Vestige s-au ocupat de look-urile modelelor din grupele D., E. si F. (machiaj si coafura). Cursantii Vestige Academy au fost si ei prezenti, alaturi de Simina Cheteles, Raul Tisa (traineri nationali & traineri Vestige) si Lidia Gligor (make-up trainer Vestige)… a fost minunat sa ii vedem evoluand intr-o situatie reala si e o adevarata placere sa vezi oameni care lucreaza cu pasiune, chiar si contra timp si spun asta pentru ca ei au fost acolo pana in ultimul moment…
UAD Gala is one of the biggest fashion related events in Romania. UAD graduates showed us their collections this Sunday, @ The National Theatre, in Cluj Napoca. Due to the fact that you can already find so many pictures from the event online, I decided to go for something different for the blog: a backstage video. I made this short video that captures details & the usual backstage rush before the collections hit the runway. I wanted to capture a different perspective of this gala: hidden chambers where the hair-stylists payed attention to every detail of the runway looks and the designers hanging around and looking at their collections one more time before the show…
I’ve been there, right next to Raul & Simina and even though I already knew the backstage rushing vibe, this time I saw everything from a different point of view… Vestige hair-stylists took over some of the models and prepped them up (hair & make-up) for the following shows. Vestige Academy students were also present next to Simina Cheteles, Raul Tisa (national trainers, Vestige trainers) and Lidia Gligor (make-up trainer), it was a great thing to see them styling in a real situation and it was delightful to see the team working with so much passion, even under pressure, and I’m writing this because they’ve been there until the last second, when the girls reached the runway with perfect looking hair…
Povestea merge insa mai departe prin Vestige Pret-a-Porter, unde absolventii Universitatii de Arte si Design si Cluj-Napoca isi expun si isi comercializeaza in acelasi timp creatiile, in mediul pe care noi il numim Vestige, “atelier complet de frumusete”. Pasiunea cu care acesti oameni lucreaza face ca lucrurile sa mearga mai departe, iar Gala UAD 2014 (editie aniversara) a rasfatat Clujul cu descrieri memorabile din partea revistelor de profil, in timp ce parfumul Galei UAD Fashion Design – „JUBILEU Gala” și „J20” de Octavian Sever Coifan a completat seara, cu o aroma speciala. O aroma care s-a mutat mai de la Teatrul National la Bastionul Croitorilor pe Baba Novac si mai apoi, la Club Midi. A fost o seara speciala care a adunat oameni simpli si a dat nastere unor prezentari spectaculoase. Eu eram cu mana pe butonul Shazam, iar mai apoi m-am pierdut in noapte ascultand piesele iar si iar… Felicitari tuturor!
In seara evenimentului am purtat o tinuta Moja by Absolutely Fabulous. Puteti citi mai multe despre colaborarea bloggerilor Diana Enciu & Alina Tanasa de la Absolutely Fabulous cu MOJA, in articolele lor, dedicate acestei colectii:
The Collection & Win a skirt from MOJA by Absolutely Fabulous
The story doesn’t end here for the talented UAD students, because of that special space called Vestige Pret-a-Porter, where romanian designers sell their lines and complete that “complete beauty studio” concept.
These people work with passion and that keeps the things going! UAD gala 2014 (anniversary edition) pampered Cluj-Napoca with memorable depictions of the event , coming from fashion magazines, and the special fragrances “JUBILEU Gala” & “20J” created by Octavian Sever Coifan completed the night, with a special scent. That scent travelled from the National Theatre, to Bastionul Croitorilor and later that night to Club Midi, along with the people. It was a special night that gathered simple passioned humans and gave us spectacular shows! I tried to search the runway songs all night on Shazam, and I lost myself in the dark right after the gala, listening the songs again and again. Congratulations to everyone!
Later that night I wore an outfit from MOJA by Absolutely Fabulous. You can read more about their collaborations on their fab blog here:
The Collection & Win a skirt from MOJA by Absolutely Fabulous