Cred ca seara asta de vineri a fost potrivita pentru a scoate la plimbare geanta Metropolis Mini de la Furla. Era teribil de cald in Cluj. Fusese, de fapt, foarte cald toata ziua si stateam in birou scriind, editand, desenand – la un moment dat, intr-o tentativa de pauza de cafea pe balcon, am avut parte de un val de caldura dogoritoare, de parca vara revenise pentru o singura dupa-masa in oras. Am avut ce-i drept o vara nebuna, am muncit mult, nu am avut parte tocmai de acele momente pe care ni le-am dorit. Am ajuns doar de doua ori pe lac for God’s sake. Anyway, ne-am bucurat de cateva momente impreuna, am povestit despre Ibiza, despre planurile de revelion (plecam la caldura), am rasfoit cele mai recente numere Elle, Glamour si Harper’s Bazaar si am planuit cateva excursii. Apropo de Glamour, puteti vedea aici care sunt cele 10 fete care fac parte din echipa mea. Soon more on this subject. Ne vedem pe 19.
It happened last friday evening, I felt like it was the right time to take the new Metropolis Mini bag from Furla out for a walk. It was incredibily warm in Cluj. The entire day, actually. I was in my office, writing, editing and drawing, when suddenly, in a coffee break #wannabe on the balcony, it hit me, a ray of shine and heat that were intense enough to make me feel like summer was back in the city for the afternoon.
Truth be told, we surely did have a crazy summer, with dozens of things to do, we worked hard, we traveled and we didn’t have the chance to actually enjoy those moments that we were craving for: Tarnita days on the lake, beach, music, tan, party. It was all about the #WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWork.We only got to spend some quality time on the lake during two visits, for God’s sake! But anyway, we did enjoy some moments together, we talked about Ibiza, about the New Year’s Eve (we’re sailing to warmer lands), we looked into the latest editions of Elle, Glamour and Harper’s Bazaar and we also planned some trips for the blog. And speaking of Glamour, you can see here who are the 10 girls from my team. Soon more on this subject. Just keep in mind that we’ll meet again. On the 19th of October.
Revenind, dupamasa asta petrecuta impreuna cu Carmen a incheiat in sfarsit capitolul vara. E octombrie pana la urma, let’s face it. Mai sunt doua luni jumate’ pana la Craciun. Nu stiu cum sunteti voi insa din punctul meu de vedere dupa septembrie, sar cumva peste intreaga perioada, pana la Craciun si revelion. Dupa care vine martie si asteptam primavara. Am ravasit noua colectie Furla in magazinul lor recent inaugurat din Baneasa Shopping City. Brandul are 90 de ani de traditie in industria luxului si este faimos pentru reinterpretarea stilului de viață italian într-o manieră contemporană. Toata colecția de genti pentru toamna/iarna 2016 propune modele in culori luminoase, cu un design smart, din piele high-end.
Geanta Metropolis de la Furla mi-a trezit un fel de nostalgie. Fiind un galben aprins, solar, ma face sa ma gandesc atat la toamna cat si la primavara, la lalele galbene crude, in fine.. cred ca este o geanta versatila din acest punct de vedere. Da, este foarte mica, insa arata foarte bine, are destul loc pentru un iPhone, ochelari de soare, un ruj si chei. E de ajuns. Asta e tot ce ai nevoie daca iesi seara in oras, pana la urma stim ca noi femeile avem treaba asta: cu cat geanta devine mai mare cu atat purtam cu noi mai multe lucruri inutile. Imi place mult varianta cu maner si curea din piele, pentru simplul contrast pe care linia galbena o poate da pe un look, atunci cand e purtata cross body. E categoric “a pop of color” in garderoba mea, nu am prea multe item-uri in aceasta culoare, insa cred ca o sa o vedeti tot mai des pe blog. Vorbind de toamna, sunt oare singura persoana care inca nu a gustat Pumpkin Spice Latte-ul de la Starbucks? Cate calorii are :))?
This afternoon spent with Carmen has finally ended the summer chapter. It’s October already, let’s face it. There are two months left and Christmas will ring on our doorbells. And I don’t know about you, but right after September ends, my mind makes a jump in time through the next months, making a stop in December for Christmas and the New Year. And after that, March comes along and we look forward to the spring. I went through the entire new Furla collection in their newly opened store in Baneasa Shopping City. The brand has 90 years of tradition in the luxury industry and is famous for reinterpreting the Italian lifestyle in a contemporary way. The entire collection of handbags for fall / winter 2016 comprises models in bright colors with a smart design featuring high-end leather.
And after walking you through my moods calendar, I must admit that the Metropolis bag from Furla has waken up in me some kind of nostalgia. Its solar, bright yellow color makes me think about autumn and spring at the same time, which means that it is a versatile piece that I am going to accessorize a lot within my next looks and the seasons to come. Yes, it is a tiny bag, but it looks awesome and it’s actually big enough to fit an iPhone, some sun glasses, a lipstick and the keys. Enough, as I would say. We all know how the story goes when we are faced with the challenge of leaving the house with a big bag: we end up carrying those very unnecessary things that shouldn’t belong in a bag in the first place. I kinda have a crush for the one with leather belt and handle, for the simple contrast that a yellow line can offer to a look when it’s worn cross body. It is definitely a pop of color in my wardrobe, I usually lack yellow elements, which means that you will be seeing this piece of art on a regular basis on the blog. Speaking of autumn, am I the only one who hasn’t tried the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks? Did anyone count the calories? :))
Noua colectie Furla este acum disponibila in Baneasa Shopping City The new Furla collection is now available in Baneasa Shopping City