IN "Featured"
18 January 2015

Kasper Bjørke – Apart (ft. Sísý Ey)
Hello lovely people and welcome back on the blog! I hope everyone spent some quality time relaxing, because this is what we all should do in the 1st couple of frozen weeks of the year! It just seems like the bed is getting comfier while the windows are covered in a crisp white icy foil and the latest episodes from our favourite series have no stop button… This Sunday we spent the whole morning in bed, watching a documentary (nr. – HBO) that follows an Alaskan bear family as its young cubs which are taught life’s most important lessons. Set against a majestic Alaskan backdrop teeming with life, their journey begins as winter comes to an end and the bears emerge from hibernation to face the bitter cold. Let’s face it: on Sunday morning the sheets recognise you as one of their own and you just don’t wanna’ get out of bed. The only thing that gets you going is the promise of a fulfilling meal… The warm rays of sunlight were peeking between the never-ending curtains that flow down to the floor in a white cascade. We are now back in business and I will start the year telling you about my everyday bag. The perfect everyday bag should be big enough to have room for all the little things that a girl carries around, IT should come in a neutral colour palette and behave exquisite for years, no matter how much you will wear it… Today I want you to meet&greet my favourite everyday bag from Cristina Cupar:
Salutare si bine ati revenit pe blog! Sper ca v-ati relaxat in aceste saptamani – asta am facut si noi, pentru ca e singurul lucru pe care merita sa il faci in prima perioada a lunii ianuarie. Parca patul devine din ce in ce mai comod, geamurile-s inghetate si serialele nu au buton de oprire… Azi dimineata ne uitam la un documentar (nr. – HBO) care urmareste viata unei familii de ursi din Alaska in timp ce puii invata cele mai importante lectii de viata. Calatoria lor incepe cand iarna se apropie de sfarsit si ursii trebuie sa infrunte o lume rece si riscanta… Sa ne-ntelegem: duminica dimineata esti una cu asternuturile, probabil doar promisiunea unei mese copioase te mai ridica din pat… Razele soarelui se intrezareau cuminti printre perdelele albe care curgeau intr-o cascada infinita, pana pe podea… Ne-am intors la munca si azi vreau sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre geanta mea de fiecare zi. E genul de geanta care nu te lasa la nevoie, e disponibila intr-o paleta de culori neutra si e destul de incapatoare pentru a gazdui toate lucrusoarele pe care le luam cu noi, zi de zi. Azi vreau sa faceti cunostiinta cu geanta mea preferata de la Cristina Cupar:
Isabel Marant Etoile Blouse | Yohji Yamamoto Black Wedges | Black Snake Iphone 5S Case (shop here) | Chic Diva Leather Jacket | Fossil Gold Watch | Katerinimou Golden Headpiece
Hope you enjoyed the music, the pictures and the bag. Tell me how your favourite everyday bag looks, and don’t forget to check out Cristina’s Cupar page on Facebook, if you like her work maybe we will have a giveaway on blog! I’ll take your from day to night in the next CC Bags post! Just let me know!
Sper ca v-a placut piesa, fotogarfiile si geanta. Spuneti-mi cum arata geanta de zi perfecta, in viziunea voastra si nu uitati sa intrati pe pagina Cristinei Cupar, daca va place ce vedeti poate facem un giveaway curand! I’ll take your from day to night in the next CC Bags post! Just let me know!
Love, A.
Photos by amazing Szilard Ioo.