IN "Articles"
16 December 2013
FAVORITE WINTER 2013/2014 Scents

Desi am mai scris cateva articole pe aceasta tema, de-a lungul timpului, cum ar fi O femeie fara parfum e o femeie fara viitor, The Secret is revealed sau J. Choo (update),de aceasta data, vorbim despre ceva mai special. Vorbim despre mine si Raul, despre aromele care ne inspira in aceasta iarna, despre parfumurile unisex si modul in care parfumul iti influenteaza atitudinea.
Even if I already wrote about perfumes a long time ago in articles like A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future, The Secret is revealed or J.Choo (update)
this time we are talking about something special. We will talk about me & Raul, about the scents that inspire us this winter, about unisex perfumes and the way in which the fragrance influences your attitude.
Acum o saptamana am incercat sa inteleg noi parfumuri, am regasit vechi nuante si am venit acasa de la Targu-Mures, unde am lucrat cu echipa Marab, cu trei noi parfumuri. Eu si Raul suntem la fel. Incepand de la gandirea care iti spune ca am fi trait intr-o viata anterioara impreuna, gusturi muzicale, pasiunea pentru frumos si asa mai departe; in cazul lui Raul si dorinta de a face lumea mai frumoasa – pentru ca asta face. Culori si texturi, bucle si straluciri. Suntem la fel de bezmetici si de dezordonati. Ne pierdem cheile zilnic. Dar in acelasi timp, ne place sa stam seara si sa citim, sa urmarim un film bun, sau pur si simplu sa povestim si sa privim pestii jucandu-se in acvariu. Vorbim la fel, ne consultam in toate privintele. Daca eu plec la Bucuresti pentru doua zile, ma ajuta sa imi aleg tinutele, imi pune parul pe melci si abia apoi, ne uitam la film.
Dupa cum spuneam, sedinta foto pe care am facut-o la Targu Mures pentru Marab Boutique Perfumery, m-a facut sa aduc acasa inca trei noi parfumuri. Era 5 decembrie ( / – Sfantul Nicolae ). Stiam ca in mai putin de 7 ore Raul ma duce la aeroport, asa ca era timpul sa alegem tinutele si sa ne punem la un film. Si film a fost! Incercasem sa ii scriu o mica scrisoare – pentru ca imi place sa fac asta, imi place ideea unui biletel pe care il poti pastra, sunt o tipa romantica… Nu am reusit sa pun insa pixul jos in momentul in care el a intrat in dormitor, asa ca am ales sa ii raspund privirii curioase si ranjetului pe care il afisa cu un simplu: “Scriu ceva pentru Gabi…” (si ei ii scriu des ca imi e draga si stiu ca ii face placere.) Momentul a trecut neobservat. Iau plicul verde brad, hartia aurie si pixul negru cu gel si ma indrept spre bucatarie pentru a le aseza pe biroul de la care va scriu chiam acum.
A week ago I tried to understand new perfumes, I discovered old shades and I came back from Targu-Mures with three new perfumes. I’ve been in my hometown for about 5 hours, shooting with Marab Team. Me and Raul are like carbon copies. I’m his female version and the other way around. Starting from how we think, it looks as if we lived together in a past life: we have the same musical taste, the same passion and so on; Raul actually makes the world prettier everyday using colors and textures, bouncy curls and crystal shine. We are both chaotically and kind of messy. We lose our keys every day. But at the same time, we just like to sit on the couch in the evening and spend our time reading, or watching a good movie, or just talking and watching the fishes while they’re playing in the aquarium. We talk in the same, we consult each other in any situation. If I’m going to Bucharest for two days, he helps me choose my outfits, wraps my hair and only after this, we watch that movie.
As I was saying, the photo shooting I had for Marab Boutique Perfumery made me bring home three new fragrances. It was the 5th of December (St. Nicholas). I knew that I will be gone less than 7 hours, so I had the time to choose my outfits and to watch the movie. Oh Gosh, what a movie it was! I was trying to write him a little letter – because I like doing this, I like the idea of a note that you can keep and I am a romantic girl. I couldn’t manage to finish writing and I put my pen down when he entered the bedroom, so I chose to answer to his curious eyes and to the subtle smile on his pretty face simply: “I’m writing to Gabi…” (I am also writing to my blogger-best-friend, from Bucharest, Gabi, because I know how much she enjoys reading letters.) The moment passed and I grabbed the deep-forest green envelope, the golden paper and the black gel pen and headed to the kitchen to set them on the same desk from which I’m writing to you now.
Toate astea, in speranta ca voi putea sa ii fac o surpriza, pentru ca il iubesc si pentru ca imi parea rau ca e singur pe data de sase decembrie. Am stat pe canapea cateva minute, urmarind emisiuni si povestind, pentru ca mai apoi sa ne indreptam spre dulapul deja deschis, in care hainele asteptam sa fie alese. Miroase a crin alb. Incepem sa alegem tinutele:
– Sincer, sincer, tu ce ai asorta: auriu cu negru sau auriu cu alb? Vreau ceva diferit acum, mai ales ca in aceasta perioada lumea prefera in general culorile inchise.
– Cu negru…
– Pai ce spuneam? Vreau sa port aceasta camasa (Scot o camasa alba, larga, taiata in forma de patrat. )
– Si cu ce …?
– Fusta aurie Dsquared2?
– Si niste bocanci albi, ai nevoie de bocanci albi!
-Da! Dar nu am asa ca hai sa gasim o alta varianta… (rad)
– Dar bocanci albi trebe!
– Bine Raul, nu am bocanci albi si nici nu am de unde sa imi cumpar acum
– Casadei!
– Casadei blade will be!
In timp ce cauta alte haine, dintr-o data se opreste din vorbit si nu mai face nici o miscare: Baby, ce e asta? Eram uimita si socata in acelasi timp, intr-un fel suparata si in altul fericita pentru ca Raul tocmai isi gasise cadoul de Mos Nicolae: De la Marque Brune. Care erau sansele? Tot ceea ce mi-am dorit a fost sa ii ofer cateva momente de liniste, singur, alaturi de acest parfum, sa il inteleaga asa cum l-am inteles eu pe al meu. Eu am ales Tag Her ( un parfum pe care l-ati mai vazut si aici – cel alb cu auriu.
All these because I wanted to surprise him, because I love him and also because I felt bad knowing that he will be alone on the sixth of December. We handged out a couple minutes, watching TV shows and talking, and after, we’ve headed to the bedroom, to see the big white closet already opened, and the clothes waiting to be chosen. It smells like white lily.
-Honestly, honestly, what would you pair the most: white with gold or black with gold? I want something different, mostly because everyone seems to have a thing for dark hues in winter.
– With black!
– What was I talking about? I want to wear this shirt (I pull out the white, loose shirt shaped as a square)
– And pair it with what?
– The Dsquared gold leather skirt?
– And some white combat boots, you need white combat boots!
– yes! But I don’t have any, so let’s find another combo (laughing)
– But you need white boots!
– Ok Raul, but I do not have white boots and I can’t get my hands on any pretty soon…
– Casadei!
– Casadei will be.
Searching for some other items, all of a sudden he stops moving and talking: Baby, what is this? I was both amazed and shocked, kind of sad but very happy in the same time because he just found his own De la Marque Brune. What were the odds? All I wanted was to give him some moments alone the next night with this scent, to understand it the way I understood mine. I’ve chosen Tag Her, for me (also posted pictures here – the white & gold one).
Acesta a fost momentul in care ne-am indragostit fiecare de parfumul lui si impreuna, de un altul: Salvezza Luxury Oud:
This was the moment when we both fell in love with our perfumes and another one: Salvezza Luxury Oud:
Salvezza Oud a devenit acum reflexia perfecta a personalitatilor noastre. Un parfum unisex. Iubesc acest parfum si iubesc in general parfumurile unisex pentru ca au ceva special – arome topite intre masculin si feminin, arome ce amintesc de mitul androginului. Parfumurile unisex vor fi intotdeauna fresh si vor transmite in acelasi timp un mesaj puternic. Datorita faptului ca avem 10 secunde sa facem o prima impresie, Marab va fi in topul alegerilor noastre in aceasta iarna. Salvezza este un MUST! Trebuie sa ma credeti pe cuvant!
Salvezza Oud was the perfect mirror for our personalities: something special to link us. An unisex scent. I love this perfume a lot, and I love unisex perfumes because they have something special – a nice twist between masculine and feminine that reminds me of the ancient myth of androgyny. It’s something new, something fresh and it also sends a powerful message. Due to the fact that we only have 10 seconds to make an impression, the Marab fragrances will be in the top of our most used products this winter. Salvezza is a must. Oh, you just have to trust me!
Ca o surpriza din partea celor de la Marab, parfumurile sunt disponibile la Passion, in Targu-Mures, ceea ce nu poate decat sa ma bucure, in mod sincer, pentru ca stiu ca am multe cititoare din orasul meu natal, iar acum ele pot vedea aceste parfumuri live. Sper sa va placa, noi doi ne-am indragostit de ele, la fel si Emil. Dincolo de aceste fotografii frumoase facute in sala oglinzilor, la Palatul Culturii, sta pasiunea noastra pentru parfumuri. Avem o intreaga colectie si asteptam cu nerabdare ca Raul sa ni se alature in acest proiect si sa pozam impreuna!
As a surprise from Marab, the perfumes are now available in my home town. I am very happy because I know I have many readers from Targu-Mures and now they can see the precious bottles live. I hope you will like them, because we love them, and so does Emil. Behind the pretty pictures lays our passion for perfumes. We have an entire collection and we are looking forward for Raul to join us in this project so we can have a shooting together!
Click here to get my amazing sequin dresses!
Linkuri utile / Useful links
Site Marab Boutique Perfumery | Facebook Marab Perfumery
O poveste magica inspirata din 1001 de nopti, MARAB BOUTIQUE PERFUMERY
O poveste captivanta se afla in spatele fiecarei creatii si adesea numele lor evoca un eveniment special pentru parfumeria de lux.
MARAB – 2 silabe, o paleta de arome orientale sofisticate ce evoca parfumuri magice de neuitat. Parfumurile Casei STERLING din Dubai inspirate din 1001 de nopti dar si din parfumeria de lux frantuzeasca imbina intr-o formula magica orientul cu occidentul si reinventeaza arta parfumeriei.
Conceptul avangardist in perfecta armonie cu arta si moda sec 20, se regasesc in filosofia Casei Sterling prin brandurile sale ARMAF, SALVEZZA. TAYIIB si HAMIDI, reprezentate de curand in Romania de MARAB BOUTIQUE PERFUMERY.
MARAB BOUTIQUE reprezinta o calatorie orientala in care descoperim povesti cu arome de oud, mosk, ambra si patchouli. Intr-un melanj gurmand senzual si incitant toate aceste condimente creaza esente si parfumuri unice care asteapta sa fie descoperite.
Parfumurile sunt disponibile online pe WWW.MARAB-PERFUERY.RO si la Tg.Mures in cadrul florariei Passion, Str.Gh.Doja, Nr.51, unde pot fi si testate.