IN "Looks"
19 April 2018
Fashion On A Budget/Polyvore & Other Affairs
# Fashion # Looks # News # Shop the look # Spring

Or how to avoid ruining yourself on a single shopping round
It was a stage in the life of each of us (or perhaps only in my life), in which I didn’t understand anything from the catwalk presentations, whether it was Milan, Paris or New York. Intangible, that was the feeling. With time and with the help of the fashion bloggers, we have come to a better understanding of the specifics of these shows and we started following with interest and curiosity new trends, patterns and colors. I believe, however, that the often unspoken truth is that most of the clothing items we see on the fashion shows and in general everything that is en vogue during a particular season has inspirational value for most of us. That forms our eyes, in other words. In fact, we all depend on a budget, budget that we distribute on things that are important to us, which make us feel good and provide comfort.
Today’s article on the blog has a single mission – to ease your searches among hangers and price tags. I only managed to get so far with writing this article when the polyvore site disappeared. In fact, the truth is that I was also writing in parallel, working on a few sets to visually express everything I’m trying to tell you through words. I was about to save a set of bohemian chic influences when I was redirected to the new site, Polyvore is now ssense.
The history of Polyvore dates back to the beginning of 2007. The founder, Pasha Sadri, created the platform based on its own needs. Amid the process of setting up their new home, Pasha created collages offline with his wife, starting with the intention of defining inspirational boards to fuel their creativity. From offline to online, there was only one step, because Pasha was working as a Yahoo engineer and developed a tool that helped him build the site and which, two years later, had already reached four million unique visitors. Fast forward until 2015 when Yahoo acquires Polyvore for $ 200 million # ka-ching
Press fast forward again and here we are, 2018. On a quiet April afternoon, website posted the following ad on Twitter:
On their blog, Polyvore wrote the following message:
“Polyvore began 11 years ago with the mission of democratizing style and providing our community with a new way to discover and shop for things you love in fashion, beauty and home. Today we’re sharing with our global Polyfam the latest step on our journey: SSENSE, a pioneering international fashion platform known for its exclusive original content and curated selection of fashion and luxury brands, has acquired Polyvore. SSENSE will welcome our Polyvore community into their platform starting today. While this is bittersweet news, we’re excited for our community’s future within SSENSE!”
Back to our affairs, we began to think about new tools through which we could deliver to you sets able to inspire your clothing choices. Meanwhile, I’ll leave you two outfit proposals below for this spring dates. I know I was mentioning somewhere in the beginning an outfit with boho influences, yet the mood has changed and I’ll let you discover it below. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the final result. We have started from the idea of building affordable, on budget outfits, even if the budget discussion is a sensitive one. Something is clear, each set gravitates around the sum of 5-600 lei/100-130 euro. If you also take into account that the pieces can also be worn separately in other spring combinations, you’re settled. We may consider the conversation started and even more, if you wish, we can think of a recurrent category with proposals for outfits on a budget. Enjoy!
Cheers to wonderful spring dates!