IN "Fall"
10 September 2015
“Fall. Stand. Learn. Adapt.”
# Looks

RO: Azi am fotografiat un on look inspirat de trendul military, impreuna cu Anca Cheregi, la Gradina Botanica, in Cluj Napoca (am o obsesie legata de acest loc, asa ca hai sa trecem peste). Vedeta acestei tinute este cu siguranta top-ul din piele kaki de la Manokhi, pe care mi-am dorit sa il integrez in aceasta serie. + Da, port o pereche de pantaloni barbatesti, pentru ca nu exista limite, ori reguli in moda, atunci cand adaptezi totul la silueta ta. High waist is was! Enjoy the pictures along with my song for tonight, U2, With or Without you.
P.S: Daca va place top-ul, stati pe aproape, in acest weekend avem o surpriza pentru voi!
EN: Today we photographed another military inspired look with Anca Cheregi, at the Botanical Garden in Cluj Napoca (I have an obsession with this place, let’s get over it already). There’s no doubt the star of the look it’s this Manokhi khaki leather top, and since I really wanted to wear it asap., here it is, in the military series. Hope you will like the look, yes I’m wearing a pair of trousers from the man section, because there’s no boundary in fashion, as long as you know how to adapt the masculine items to your figure… so high waist is was! Enjoy the pictures along with my song for tonight, U2, With or Without you.
P.S: If you like the top, stay tuned, we have a cool surprise for you, on my blog, this weekend!
WHAT I WORE: Manokhi Khaki Leather Top | Custom made Mineli Boutique Peep Toe Fringed Ankle Boots* | Zara Army Trouses (man) | H&M Aviator Sunglasses | Army Beret (local shop in Cluj Napoca)
RO: *Despre pantofi: Nu ii veti gasi pe site, dupa cum mi-ati mai spus azi pe Instagram/Facebook, pentru ca sunt facuti la comanda, la Mineli Boutique. Insa daca va doriti o pereche la fel, le puteti trimite o poza din cele de mai sus si sunt sigura ca va vor ajuta. Toti pantofii se fac pe comanda si ajung in 4 pana la 7 zile la voi acasa. Dar din nou, cat de fain e sa primesti coletul dimineata (caci uiti de el) in timp ce bei cafeaua? Ah? Merita asteptarea!
EN: *About the shoes: You won’t find them on site, as some of you already highlighted on Instagram/Facebook, they are custom made at Mineli Boutique, but you can just steal a photo from this post and send them a message, if you want the same pair and color. I just find them amazingly cool for fall. All their shoes are custom made and take 4-7 days to arrive at your door. But the again – how cool is that feeling of receiving new heels, in the morning, while having coffee? Ah?
Photographed by Anca Cheregi (visit her site here) – Anca, thank your for shooting these cool shots, I can’t wait to get into bigger projects with you. – Yes, she’s that ah-mazin’.