IN "Featured"
26 November 2015
My ELLE December insider

Proud to say I’m a “BEST FASHION BLOGGER” nominee at ELLE STYLE AWARDS 2015
Citeste mai multe despre Elle Style Awards pe, aici.
Sunt fericita. Prima ninsoare se-aseaza in geamul meu la Cluj. E 26 noiembrie si sunt fericita sa va anunt ca am fost nominalitata in categorie “Best Fashion Blogger“, la ELLE STYLE AWARDS 2015. Este primul an in care exista aceasta categorie, insa votul publicului conteaza si de acasta data. Cititorii valideaza bloggerul, asa ca daca v-a placut ce ati citit pe blogul meu va invit sa ma votati, aici.
Elle Style Awards 2015 are loc pe data de 15 decembrie, intr-un cadru festiv si aduce laolalta, dupa cum spun chiar ei “intreaga lume creativa a Bucurestilui (si nu numai).” Acum cateva saptamani am zburat spre Bucuresti tocmai pentru a poza pentru ELLE, alaturi de toti nominalizatii Elle Style Awards iar rezultatul il puteti vedea in editia de decembrie. Tot aici vom descoperi un material foarte interesant cu Anastasia Soare, realizat in Los Angeles, 10 pagini dedicate cadourilor de Craciun, Shootingul ESA (peste 28 de pagini) + un Cover Story cu Inna, realizat in Tokyo. Pretty cool, huh? Pe final, tin sa multumesc echipei ELLE pentru nominalizare; este o onoare sa ma aflu pe aceasta lista exclusivista si de abia astept sa ne vedem la eveniment. Long story short, nu trebuie sa ratati numarul de decembrie, care apare in aceasta sambata, iar ca un mic insider, coperta arata asa:
I’m happy. The first snow is slowly setting on my window, in Cluj. It’s the 26th of November and I am thrilled to let you know that I have been nominated for the “Best Fashion Blogger” category at ELLE STYLE AWARDS 2015. It’s this category’s first year, however the public’s vote matters. Readers are what validate a blog, therefore if you like what you’re reading on mine, you can vote for me here.
Elle Style Awards 2015 will take place on the 15th of December and it will bring together, as they say, the “whole creative world of Bucharest (and not only the capital)”. You should be watching the press shops since Elle December is coming out soon and we have a surprise for you inside, the result of an enormous project. There’s a lot of team work involved and the result is the ESA shooting (that has 28 pages plus 4 of the making of), a very interesting piece made with Anastasia Soare in Los Angeles and 10 pages dedicated to Christmas presents + the Inna Cover Story, shot in Tokyo. Long story short, you shouldn’t miss this number. P.S: At the end, I’d like to thank the ELLe team for being nominated, it’s a true honor to be included in this exclusivist list + can’t wait to see you there.