Drumul spre succes, scurtmetraj.

Drumul spre succes, scurtmetraj.

RO: Un scurt metraj pe care l-am urmarit ieri seara dupa o zi plina. Povesti pe care le-am si ascultat cu placere. Auzi persoanele gandindu-se la ei, la viata lor si la ceea ce inseamna succesul pentru ei. Am vrut sa impartasesc cu voi acest scurt metraj si mi-ar face placere sa il urmariti si sa imi spuneti parerea voastra.

P.S: Stiti daca gasim undeva acest scurt metraj subtitrat in engleza?

EN: This is a romanian short film based on true stories. I’ve had a full day and at the end I just wanted to lay in my bed, in the hotel room and hear their stories. If you will listen carefully, you can hear them thinking about themselves, about their lives and genuinely talking about what does success mean to them. I just wanted to share this video with you, I know it doesn’t have any subtitles in english, but maybe we will find one together. It’s a really interesting movie and I’d like to hear your opinion on it.

Producător executiv: Mircea Ștefan
Regie: Andrei-Nicolae Teodorescu
Scenariu: Tudor Vladimir Panduru și Andrei-Nicolae Teodorescu
Imagine: Tudor Vladimir Panduru
Montaj: Răzvan Ilinca
Sound design: Andrei Boanță

– I’ve reached this video after listening about 7 times to this song.


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