IN "Articles"
04 May 2015

RO: In diminetile in care te trezesti devreme si iti deschizi ochii abia dupa dus, cu siguranta nu ai timp sa iti realizezi un machiaj foarte elaborat. Pentru a obtine acest look, am folosit crema Detox de la Panacea Urban Apothecary, netezeste pielea si o hidrateaza intens, la inceput de saptamana. Dupa care am folosit fondul de ten de la Vichy, Teint Ideal, nuanta 25.
EN: There are those mornings in which you can barely keep your eyes open, even after you took a shower, when surely there’s no time for doing an elaborate makeup. To get this simple look, I used the Detox cream from Panacea Urban Apothecary, which smooths and intensively moisturizes the skin, perfect for a new week. After this, I’ve used a coat of Teint Ideal from Vichy in shade 25.
RO: Fondul de ten se aplica pe fata cu un buretel, cu o pensula speciala sau cu buricele degetelor, eu am folosit o pensula mare, cu un par foarte fin, care reda acel effect de “brush”. Fondul de ten este important, actioneaza ca o baza, ilumineaza si ascunde micile imperfectiuni. Momentan folosec Teint Ideal de la Vichy (25), nu am sa va scriu nuanta pentru ca va recomand sa mergeti in farmacii si sa testati “pe pielea voastra” Teint Ideal si a va gasiti nuanta potrivita. In general aleg o nuanta mai galbuie, prafuita, daca aceste doua ultime afirmatii au sens…
In general, persoanele care se inrosesc cand stau la soare, au un ten cu tenta roz. Eu am un ten care se bronzeaza repede insa oricum am nevoie de protective solara, iar cest fond de ten imi ofera bonus 20SPF, ceea ce il face preferatul meu. Acoperirea este una medie si finish-ul demi-mat, insa asta poate depinde si de modul de finisare.
EN: Foundation is applied with a sponge, a special brush or the tips of your fingers. I used a big brush with very soft bristles, which gives me that “airbrushed” look. Foundation is very important, it acts like a base, it illuminates and conceals small imperfections. Right now I am using Teint Ideal from Vichy(25), but I am not going to tell you the shade because I think you should go to a pharmacy and try the foundation on yourself, to see which one fits your skin best. Generally, I go for a more yellowish, dusty shade, if this makes any sense, not rose. Usually people who get sunburn, have pinkish skin. My skin gets tanned easily, but it requires sun protection. This foundation also has 20SPF, which is a feature that makes it my favourite. The coverage is medium and the finish is quite matte, yet that can vary depending on your finishing choice.
RO: Ochii sunt foarte importanti in armonia fetei si daca inveti sa te machiezi in asa fel incat sa te avantajeze, este foarte usor sa ascunzi micile asimetrii sau defecte – hai sa le numim asa. Eu folosesc tusul mat de la MAC, pentru pensula sa din burete, foarte stabila, dar si pentru se usuca repede si mat. Machiajul cat eye a fascinat multe inimi de-a lungul timpului, asa ca merita sa invatam sa il realizam acasa. La baza, avem de-a face cu 3 puncte: baza genelor este deja acoperita intr-o linie de tus ascendenta si crescatoare, alungim codita dintr-o singura miscare (se pot adauga) si unim cele doua puncte deja formate. Daca simti ca nu ai o mana sigura, poti exersa cu un creion negru Kohl. Adu langa tine vreo cateva dischete si un demachiant bifazic si o sa inveti in 2 ore, promit! Machiajul cat-eye alungeste ochiul si armonizeaza trasaturile, un machiaj foarte simetric, care respecta conformatia fetei este simplu de realizat si il poti invata la un curs basic de machiaj. Exercitiul este cheia succesului.
TIP: Adauga culoare pe waterline si mixeaza totul cu un fard intr-o nuanta de ciocolatiu.
EN: The eyes play an important role in your face’s harmony and if you learn to put your makeup on so that it’s flattering, it’s very easy to correct and conceal small defects – let’s call them that. I use the matte eyeliner from MAC (Iulius Mall) because it has a very easy to use sponge brush, it dries up fast and matte. The cat eye make-up fascinates many minds, so let’s try to learn how to do it at home, At the base we are dealing with three points: the lashes’ base is already covered with an ascendant eyeliner line, that is getting thicker towards the outer corner, where we draw the “tail” in one move and unite the two points. If you’re not sure you can do it from the first try, you can practice with a black Kohl liner. Bring along some makeup remover and pads and in two hours you’ll be drawing it on like a pro! The cat eye make-up elongates the eyes and harmonizes your features, it’s very symmetrical, it respects the face’s conformation and it’s very easy to learn. All you need is practice!
TIP: Add a bit of warmth with a chocolate toned eye shadow, under the eyes – my favourite is Swiss Chocolate from MAC.
RO: Buzele, cred ca am primit sute de intrebari de-a lungul timpului, daca as fi primit un leu pentru fiecare email si comentariu, probabil ca acum imi puteam comanda vreo 10 perechi de ochelari de soare. Chanel. Folosesc intotdeauna nuanta Elegant 09 de la Farmasi, un ruj mat-cremos, care nu usuca buzele, caut hidratarea, ca orice femeie, insa o caut in nuanta potrivita.
RO: Dupa cum am discutat si la partea I, despre fondul de ten, la fel va spun si cu rujul: trebuie sa alegem culoarea in functie de “canvas-ul” pe care il avem: fata noastra. Ochii caprui, cu tente de verde vor functiona bine cu multe culori, de verzi si albastri nu mai spun, insa trebuie sa luam in considerare culoarea pielii. Nude-ul perfect are o baza neutral, la care se adauga putin mov, putin portocaliu sau roz, in functie de preferinte. Ideea e sa arate natural si daca se poate sa nu il corectezi de 10 ori intr-o zi. La fel de bun este si Butter Gloss-ul de la NYX, un produs care nu dezamageste, este usor de aplicat si vine intr-o paleta foarte variata de culori.
EN: Ah lips, I think I received hundreds of questions across the years, I think that if I’d have gotten one euro for each mail and comment, now I could’ve ordered ten pairs of Chanel sunglasses (I laugh). I’m always using the Elegant 09 shade from Farmasi, a creamy matte lipstick, that is not drying and it’s not very shiny. I’m looking for moisture, just like every other woman, yet I am also looking for the perfect shade.
As I said in the first part, it will be about foundation, now I’m going to talk about the lipstick: we need to choose the color according to our face. Brown eyes with green hints will work well with a lot of colors, what about blue or green eyes (lucky bastards!), still we need to think about the shade of our skin too. The perfect nude has a neutral base, to which you can add a little purple, orange or pink, depending on your tastes. The point is that it should look natural and it would be nice if you won’t have to correct it 10 times per day. And of course, it needs to be nourishing.
RO: Am folosit un Blush piersica de la NYX, usor rose, pe obraji. Cica suntem mai dragute asa, cu putina culoare, ca doar vine vara. E un blush bun, pe care il recomand cu mare caldura, este ce-i drep un blush stick (tip baton) insa cred ca asta nu va v-a impiedica sa-l iubiti. E superb, arata natural. Daca preferi textura pudrata, mergi pe fardurile de obraztip pudra, de la NYX.
EN: I used a peach colored blush from NYX, with a hint of rose, on the cheeks. They say we’re prettier like this, with color in our cheeks, especially since Summer’s coming. It’s a good blush, which I highly recommend. It’s a blush stick, but I don’t think that’s going to be in the way of you falling in love with it. It’s gorgeous and it looks natural. If you like a powdered texture, go for NYX powder blushes.
RO: Am folosit Soft and Gentle de la MAC, o pudra sidefata, cu particule iluminatoare, pe pometi. Conturul nu e foarte greu de facut, gandeste-te ca pictezi. Stai in fata oglinzii, ai nevoie de alb si negru: de pudra maro, mata si o pudra light. Imediat sub osul pometelui aplicam pudra de culoare inchisa, la fel si pe maxilar, tample si la trecerea dintre frunte si par, daca dorim o eventuala micsorare a fruntii. Incearca kit-ul Wonder Stick de la NYX, daca simti ca nu te descuri cu pudra inchisa la culoare. Pe de alta parte, imi place kit-ul de contouring de la Sleek si pudra iluminatoare Soft and Gentle de la Mac.
EN: I used Soft and Gentle from MAC, a shimmery powder, with illuminating particles, on my cheekbones. Contouring is not difficult, just imagine you’re painting. Take a seat in front of the mirror, all you need is black and white: a matte, brown powder and a light one. We apply the dark powder right under the cheekbones, then on the jaw, temples and right under the hairline, if you want to create the illusion of a smaller forehead. Try the Wonder Stick contouring kit from NYX if you feel insecure with powder. On the other hand, I love the Sleek contouring palette and the MAC Soft & Gentle illuminator, for special occasions.
RO: Definim sprancenele cu un creion sau un fard intr-o nuanta de maro neutru, aleasa in functie de culoarea parului. Sa ne-ntelegem, e uber-cool sa ai sprancenele negre si dese, cum e si mai cool sa le ai blonde, insa look-ul final nu e pentru a demonstra o idee, cum se intampla in reviste, ci pentru a pune punctul pe “i”.
Urmareste linia naturala si penseaza firele care te nemultumesc, nu uita sa faci masuratoarea aia simpla cu creionul, care iti spune de unde iti incep sprancenele in functie de latimea narilor si iti spune si unde trebuie sa se inchida arcul. Ideea e sa mergem la salon daca nu suntem sigure ca putem face acasa, insa sa alegem cu grija cosmeticiana, merita sa ii privesti sprancenele inainte sa te asezi. Nu le vopsiti, nu cred ca merita. Un creion bun e de ajuns. Eu folosesc kit-ul de la NYX sau un creion de sprancene de la Rimmel London, nuanta, evident, Blonde. Recent am primit un primer si un gel de sprancene de la NYX, pe care astept sa le testez.
EN: We define them with a pencil or shadow, chosen according to your hair color. Let’s get something straight: it’s uber-cool to have thick and black eyebrows, just like it’s even cooler to have bleached blonde ones, but the final look should be suitable for real life, not a magazine editorial. Follow your natural line and pluck out the hairs that are bothering you. Don’t forget to do that simple crayon trick that helps you determine where your eyebrows should start and where should they end. If you are not sure you can pluck the eyebrows by yourself, you should go to a salon, but choose your cosmetician wisely (you should definitely take a close look at her eyebrows before making an appointment). Don’t dye them, I don’t think it’s worth it, a good pencil is enough. I use the kit from NYX or an eyebrow pencil from Rimmel London, the Blonde shade, of course.
RO: Si acestea fiind spuse/scrise, dam startul unei noi saptamani de lucru. Hai sa ne imbracam in ceva frumos & start getting sh*t done! Eu va astept maine pe blog, cu o noua postare de look.
EN: With that being said/written, let’s have a good new week start. Let’s dress nicely and start getting shit done! (I laugh by myself). I’ll be waiting for you on the blog tomorrow, with a new look post.