25 December 2013
Christmas morning

Salutare fetelor, sper ca ati regasit sub brad toate cadourile pe care vi le-ati dorit (asta daca ati fost cuminti tot anul!). Nu e nimic mai placut decat sa te trezesti in dimineata de Craciun langa persoana iubita, sa bei un ceai si sa dai iama in cadourile de sub brad…
Hey girls, I hope you found under the tree, all the gifts you wanted (if you’ve been nice!). Nothing really compares to waking up next to the one you love, at Christmas, then enjoy a hot tea and unwrap the gifts that Santa left under the tree.
Dimineata de Craciun ne-a gasit in pat, cautandu-ne unul pe altul printre perne albe pufoase. M-am ridicat rapid, asigurandu-ma de faptul ca Raul ramane in pat si am plecat spre bucatarie sa fac micul dejun. In timp ce amestec ceaiul, aud zgomote din dormitor: s-a trezit!
-Mancam in living sau le aduc in pat?
-Nuuu, vin eu, vin acum!
Pe fundal mergea deja playlistul de Craciun pe care il aveam pe youtube, asa ca am oprit televizorul si am mancat impreuna primul mic dejun de Craciun. Halatul rosu in carouri de la H&M Home a fost singurul la care m-am putut gandi in aceasta dimineata. Fundita legata pe talie se prelungea cu doi ciucuri din blana artificiala alba pentru a completa look-ul festiv, inca de dimineata. Urmeaza o zi lunga: noi mergem la bunici, apoi parintii vin la noi la cina. Eu ca de obiecei sunt cu planurile si timerele, asa ca astept cu nerabdare sa ne asezam toti pe canapea si sa facem prima poza de Craciun, impreuna. Sau poate langa brad? Oricum ar fi, ultima perioada a fost una cu adevarat agitata asa ca tot ceea ce imi doresc este sa stau si sa nu fac nimic. (Un lucru imposibil, desigur!)
Christmas morning found us in bed, searching for eachother while fighting among big white fluffy pillows. I got up asap and made sure that Raul was still asleep. I rushed in the kitchen to make the breakfast. While I was making the tea, I started hearing noises from the bedroom: he’s up!
– So ar we having breakfast in the living room or you want me to bring it in bed?
– I’m coming straight ahead! Wait for me…
We could already enjoy the Christmas playlist in the background so we turned the tv off, and had our breakfast. The red tartan wrap from H&M Home I’m wearing was the only item I could really choose this morning. The bow wrapped around my waist ends with two white faux fur bells to complete the festive look. We have a long day ahead: we’re going to visit my grandparents and then we’ve invitd our parents for dinner . As usual, I’m responsable with planning & timing so I’m looking forward to snap our 1st Christmas Family Photo! This period was restless so all I want is to do nothing… (An impossible thing, for sure!)
Acum cateva zile v-am spus ca mi-am pus extensii de gene, ei bine aveti aici primele fotografii cu noile gene. Mie imi plac extrem de mult. Am adormit timp de doua ore pe masa Cameliei de la Vestige si apoi m-am trezit cu aceste gene superbe! În mod sincer, am prea multe lucruri de spus despre gene, asa ca ma gandesc sa fac un video. E mai rapid asa si va pot explica tot procesul. Oricum, arata extrem de bine:
A few days ago I had lash extensions for the very 1st time. Her you have the 1st pictures of my new lashes. I love them so much! I fell asleep for about two hours on Cami’s table at Vestige, and woke up with those amazing long, curled lashes! I’m thinking about making a video to tell you all about them.
Sper ca aveti parte de un Craciun superb! Eu am primit prima mea pereche de pantofi Louboutin, un palton semnat Laura Firefly (Vestige) si un ceas pe care il voi purta de anul nou.
Hope you are having a superb Xmas! I got my 1st pair of Louboutins, a Laura Firefly coat and a watch I’m going to wear on New Year’s Eve.