IN "Articles"
24 December 2014
Ce-as putea spune acum, de Craciun? + castigatorul #quickmobile

CRACIUN, 2015.
E 16:58 si eu am parul ud. Beau un pahar de vin alb, ascult Christmas Jazz. Biroul meu e plin de cosmetice, bijuterii, creme… si in timp ce studiam view-ul vad un mic bradulet intr-un ghiveci alb cu stelute argintii, care acum o ora nu era acolo… Fata mi-e ca o panza alba si ma gandesc ce ar trebui sa fac prima data. Serios, e CRACIUNUL!
Prima si prima data desemnez castigatorul/castigatoarea consursului pe care l-am initial impreuna cu Quick Mobile – draga Dana Dupir, felicitari, ai castigat tot ce ti-ai dorit in acel comentariu! Produsele vor ajunge la tine curand si sper sa te bucuri de ele si daca ai chef, posteaza pe instagram/facebook o fotografie cu coletul primit cu hashtag-ul #WinAlinaCeusanQuickMobile sa vad si eu bucuria ta! Va multumesc pentru inscrieri, va multumesc pentru fiecare share, pentru fiecare like, pentru orice comentariu si orice implicare in ceea ce inseamna si ma bucur ca va am ca cititoare!
Va transmit ganduri frumoase, sper ca sunteti alaturi de familie… dragile mele fete, sper ca v-ati imbracat frumos, sper ca v-ati gandit tinutele in detalii care intrec orice inchipuire, sper sa aveti parte de cele mai frumoase clipe in acest an. Raul a venit acasa cu o multime de cadouri,e un Santa in disguise... Eu nu pot decat sa il salvez GRAV si sa ma ocup de look-ul meu pentru seara asta. Mergem la parintii lui sa luam cina. Maine plecam spre Mures, colindam bunicii si rudele pe drum. Vom petrece trei zile la ai mei, dupa care ne intoarcem la Cluj si in 31 ne luam zborul spre Venetia, pentru ca mai apoi sa plecam spre Mallnitz, Austria pentru #2015REBELLION.
P.S: Carmen tocmai ai plecat in graba de la mine si mi-a spus: trebuie sa ajung pe 6 acasa trebuie sa mergem acolo si acolo… Imi pare rau nu mai putem face pozele… trebuie sa plec. Stiti ce i-am zis: stai linistita, cine crezi ca sta sa faca poze in seara de Craciun… tot ce se posteaza pentru/in seara asta pe blog e deja pregatit. N-are rost frate, le-am pregatit si eu anul trecut pentru voi si stiu si eu si stiti si voi ce-nseamna asta: un shooting facut cu o saptamana inainte. Un shooting in care incercam sa ne simtim de parca ar fi Craciunul… anul asta am spus, asta e, vreau sa va scriu mai mult decat sa va arat, insa va las mai jos fotografii pe care nu le-ati mai vazut, din dimineata de 25, din 2013:
It’s 16:58 and my hair is wet. I’m enjoying my own glass of white wine, while listening to Christmas Jazz. My desk it’s overloaded with cosmetics, jewellery and body lotions… and while I’m trying to explain the view I stumble upon a little Xmas Tree in the window – it wasn’t there a hour ago… My face is as white as a clean canvas and I keep thinking about what I should do 1st. I mean, really – it’s finally Christmas!
1st things 1st, I will have to nominate the #WinAlinaCeusanQuickMobile winner – dear Dana Dupir, congratulations, you’ve won everything you wanted in that comment! The products will soon be at your door, and I hope you will enjoy them. If you have time, post a pic on Instagram/Facebook using the hashtag #WinAlinaCeusanQuickMobile so I can see your joy! I have to thank you all for entering the contest, for every like and share, for every little thing you did for, I’m glad to have you as a reader!
I just want to send good wishes and I hope you will celebrate Christmas with your friends and family. My dear girls, I hope you’re dressed up, I hope you’ve planned your look to the very least detail and I hope you will have an amazing Christmas this year! Raul came home with lots of presents, he’s like Santa in disguise… The only thing I can do right now is to SAVE HIS ASS and do my own hair for tonight. We’re going to have dinner at his parents. Tomorrow we are heading over to Targu-Mures, we are visiting/carolling our grandparents and on the 31st of December we will head to Venice and then to Mallnitz for New Years Eve #2015REBELLION…
P.S: Carmen just headed over to her place. She came into my bedroom with a funny face telling me she has to be somewhere at 6 pm. + “I’m sorry we can’t take the pictures together”. I was just standing there and looking at her, at the girl that has a fresh launched blog… and I said: Go! Don’t bother, you will take some real pictures on the way, as it happens! You know all the featured Xmas posts are shot one week ahead while we are all just trying to get into that Xmas spirit…this year I decided that it’s time to get real and face it. There are so many things to do… I just want to write something down for you girls, but I will show you our home-made pictures fem the 25th of December 2013:
+ almost ready for Xmas2014