Ce-ai mami? Mie poti sa-mi spui…

Ce-ai mami? Mie poti sa-mi spui…

RO: Caldura si lumina diminetii se amesteca intr-o raza enorma, pe podea. Cu ochii semi-deschisi, intind mana spre noptiera alba din dreapta mea. In bratele statuii “Buddha” sade o sticla de Lipton rece. Pe semne ca cineva s-a gandit la mine, in aceasta dimineata. Sorb ceaiul rece cu pofta, cobor din pat si poposesc pret de cateva secunde pe parchetul cald, aurit de soare. 

Azi vreau sa merg in curtea interioara, la plaja. Cred cu tarie in ideea de a-ti creiona viata asa cum vrei si in aceasta dimineata acea coagulare se soare, lumina si caldura mi-a spus ca azi citim in curtea interioara. Fara sa ma gandesc prea mult la ceea ce urmeaza, apuc geanta de plaja din dressing, in care adaug: trei reviste glossy, crema SPF si doua sticle de ceai rece, din frigider. Ceaiul este bautura noastra preferata, iar vara, cand temperaturile cresc substantial, beau ceai rece… 
EN: The morning’s light and warmth are colliding in a huge ray, visible on the floor. Still half asleep I reach towards the white nightstand on my right. The Buddha statue is holding a cold Lipton bottle. I guess someone must’ve thought of me this morning. I take a few thirsty sips, then get out of bed and I stop, for a few seconds, on the sun drenched floor.
Today I want to go in the backyard for a while, to tan. I’m convinced that one should design the life they want and in this morning the sun rays mixed with the light and summer warmth told me that we should go out and read. Without giving it a second thought, I grab my beach purse from the closet and fill it with three glossy magazines, SPF cream and two bottles of ice tea from the fridge. Tea is our favorite drink and during the summer, as the temperatures rise, I drink ice tea.

(Later that same day – 7pm)
RO: Var cheia in broasca si pasesc in umbra racoritoare a casei. Soarele isi ia la revedere, paraseste orasul intr-o paleta vasta de culori… Dau drumu la apa in cada, in timp ce ma privesc la 90 de grade in oglinda. M-am bronzat. E timpul pentru putina relaxare, inainte de cina, asa ca ma indrept spre bucatarie soptind “ceai verde, ceai negru, ceai alb, ce-ai mami mie poti sa-mi spui” – pentru ca piesa se audea cu ecou, din baie. Rad si traversez holul lung cu pasi lenti. Miu Miu se agata de rochia mea de plaja si aluneca pe burta dupa mine. Deschid cutia cu ceai si aleg varianta evidenta: ceai verde. Cinci minute mai tarziu zac (la propriu) in cada, cu o ceasca de ceai fierbinte in dreapta si cateva lumanari aprinse, in stanga. Ma scufund in spuma alba intru totul si imi tin respiratia. Piesa se repeta si acelasi gand obsesiv mi se “scrie” in minte: Ce ai in ceai…? Tu stii ce-ai in ceai?
EN: I unlock the door and step into my home’s cooling shadow. The sun is waving goodbye and is flooding the city with beautiful warm colors… I prepare myself a bath as I study myself in the mirror: I got tanned. It’s time to relax a little before dinner, so I head towards the kitchen whispering “green tea, black tea, white tea, what’s your problem, you can tell me” – since that was the song echoing from the bathroom. I laugh as I slowly walk through the hallway. Miu Miu latches onto my beach dress and gets dragged after me on it’s tummy. I open the tea box and choose my weapon: green tea. Five minutes later I am lounging in the bath tub with a steaming cup of tea on my right and a few candles on my left. I sink in the bubbles and hold my breath. The same song is on repeat and the same thought repeats itself in my mind: What’s in your tea? Do you know what’s in your tea? 
10 lucruri pe care trebuie sa le stii despre ceai

·         Toate tipurile de ceai (verde, negru, oolong sau alb) provin din aceeasi planta, Camellia sinensis, tratata diferit de la un sortiment la altul

·         Ceaiul rece (Ice Tea) este versiunea racoritoare a ceaiului cald, fiind realizat din apa, extract de frunze de ceai (Camellia sinensis) si suc de fructe

·         Efectele benefice ale ceaiului cald sau rece (Ice Tea) pentru organism se datoreaza flavonoizilor, compusi care se mai gasesc in citrice, ceapa si soia

·         Un pahar de ceai rece are aceeasi concentratie de ceai pe care o gasesti intr-o cana de ceai cald atunci cand iti faci singur infuzia

·         Ceaiul din Lipton Ice Tea este chiar din aceleasi frunze de ceai ca hot tea, dar este obtinut prin alt proces.Frunzulitele din plicuri sunt maruntite special pentru a avea o suprafata mare de infuzare, cu scopul evident de a asigura o infuzie completa si rapida in cana, portionat (frunzele intregi au nevoie de spatiu mare de infuzare, respectiv un ceainic, un volum mai mare de apa si timp de infuzare mai mare)

·         Lipton are propriile plantatii de ceai in Kenya si Tanzania (11.000 hectare), dar cumpara peste 300.000 tone de ceai si din alte locuri din lume, spre exemplu din Ceylon.

·         Lipton contine zahar si STEVIA – un indulcitor natural extras din planta Stevia. Contine acid citric, citrat trisodic (corector de aciditate) si acid ascorbic (vitamina C, cu rol antioxidant), ingrediente necesare realizarii unei bauturi de tip ice tea imbuteliate. Lipton Ice Tea nu contine coloranti si nici conservanti artificiali adaugati, iar culoarea lui este data de ceai.

·         Toate produsele Lipton Ice Tea au cu aproximativ 40% mai putin zahar decat alte bauturi racoritoare, lucru care se poate citi cu usurinta pe etichete.

·         Aromele Lipton sunt naturale, iar Lipton Ice Tea contine si suc de fructe. Aromele folosite in Lipton, indiferent ca e vorba de Ice Tea sau ceai la plicuri, sunt naturale si folosite intr-o concentratie mica. Exista, evident, si tipuri de ceai Lipton fara arome. Folosirea aromelor insotite de bucatele de fructe uscate sau alte parti din plante aromatice, in ceaiul la plicuri, asigura o variatie care ne ajuta sa gasim mereu ceva nou de descoperit, placut, aromatic si gustos. De asemenea Lipton contine doar zahar si STEVIA – un indulcitor natural extras din planta Stevia.

·         Lipton Ice Tea Lemon, Peach, Raspberry contin ceai negru, Green Tea & Green Tea Lemon – contin ceai verde, la fel ca variantele hot tea.



– All kinds of tea (green, black, oolong or white) are made out of the same plant, Camellia sinensis, which is processed differently for each type
– Ice Tea is the refreshing version of normal tea and it is made out of water, tea leaf extract and fruit juice
– The positive effects of hot or cold tea on the body are generated by flavonoids, molecules which are also found in citrix, onion and soy
– A glass of cold tea has the same tea quantity a cup of hot home made tea does
– The Lipton Ice Tea is made from the same leaves as the hot tea, only that it is processed differently. The tea leaves are minced even smaller so that the water is infused throughly fast (whole leaves require a longer infusion time and also a bigger surface and more water)
– Lipton has its own plantations in Kenya and Tanzania (11000 acres), but it also buys over 300000 tons of tea from other places around the world, such as Ceylon.
– Lipton contains sugar and STEVIA – a natural sweetener extracted from the plant with the same name. It contains citric acid, trisodium citrate (acidity corrector) and ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C, antioxidant), ingredients that are necessary to make a packaged Ice Tea drink. The drink does not contain colorant agents, nor chemical preservatives and its color is given by the tea leaves.
– All Lipton drinks contain approximately 40% less sugar than other soft drinks, fact which is clear from the ingredients on the label
– Lipton flavors are natural and Lipton Ice Tea contains fruit juice. The flavors used by Lipton, both in the hot or cold tea are natural and used in small concentrations. There are, of course, teas that do no contain any extra flavors. The use of flavors, together with dried fruit or aromatic plants in the tea bags help create new and exciting tea variations. Also, Lipton contains only sugar and STEVIA – a natural sweetener.
-Lipton Ice Tea Lemon, Peach, Raspberry are made from black tea, Green Tea & Green Tea Lemon – green tea, just like the hot tea versions.



Love, A. ?

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Ce-ai in ceai


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