IN "Beauty"
09 December 2015
Castiga noul parfum Jimmy Choo, “Illicit” – pentru ca niciodata nu avem prea multe parfumuri
# Beauty

Ieri am primit revista Glamour – numarul de Decembrie. Sa ne-ntelegem, am primit coletul acum 3 zile, insa Raul a uitat sa il aduca de la salon. Anyway, m-am bucurat ca l-a adus, am desfacut plasuta neagra si am scos revista. Langa revista vad o cutie auriu cu alb, cu un pattern marunt, festiv. Era cel mai recent parfum lansat de Jimmy Choo: ILLICIT. (illicit = not legally permitted or authorized; or disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons).
Yesterday I received my Glamour, the December issue. I actually got it earlier this week, at the salon, but Raul kept forgetting about it. Anyway, I was happy to see the magazine, and when I pulled it out of the GLAMOUR black bag, I saw a sparkly little white and gold box inside the bag. It was the latest Jimmy Choo fragrance, called Illicit. (where illicit = not legally permitted or authorized; or disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons).
1st month of 2016.
Parfumul va fi disponibil din luna ianuarie 2016 in reteaua magazinelor Sephora, insa daca vrei sa il ai de revelion, arata-mi tinuta festiva la care ai asorta acest parfum printr-un set de Polyvore si il poti castiga. Elementul principal al setului tau va fi parumul Illicit. Si pentru ca nu gasisem inca o poza cu el pe Polyvore, am adaugat eu cateva, asa ca aveti aici o colectie de imagini care sa va ajute in design-ul seturilor. Concursul este deschis de azi, 9 decembrie pana pe 20 decembrie, ora 00:00.
The perfume will be released next year, in January, and it will be available in Sephora stores But if you want to have it before the NYE, show me your festive look for this perfume, by creating a Polyvore set, and you can win one. Due to the fact that Illicit wasn’t online, or pinned, or whatever, on Polyvore, I pinned it for you, here. You have like every angle, you can use your imagination. The contest is now on, from the 9th of December, till the 20th of December 00:00 (CET).
- Design your polyvore set here.
- Don’t forget to feature the perfume bottle in your set. (Find it here)
- Leave a comment with your NAME, EMAIL and THE LINK to your creation, or a photo of it, below:
Par exemple: Alina Ceusan, [email protected], + my set:
And the winner is:
by Luana Stefan.
Felicitari Luana, nu uita sa trimiti un email pe adresa [email protected] cu datele tale, pentru livrarea premiului.
[LOVE, A.]