IN "Articles"
13 October 2015
Bring it on, autumn.

RO: Promenada Mall implineste 8 ani pe 15 octombrie si cu aceasta ocazie, lanseaza un nou website. Daca veti intra acum pe site-ul lor veti vedea un contdown dragut care anunta in cat timp apare noul site. Si cum de ziua ta trebuie sa faci cinste, cei de la Promenada au hotarat sa dea vouchere in valoare de 45 de ron primilor 100 de inscrisi, pe noul site, asa ca daca sunteti din Targu-Mures ori din imprejurimi, stati cu ochii pe countdown. Mai jos e cel mai recent look inspirat de seria Military, pe care l-am gasit in Promenada, care include chipiul.
EN: Promenada Mall turns 8 on the 15th of October and with this being said, they are launching a brand new website. If you will go online right now on you will see a cute lil’ countdown that let’s you know in how much time they will renew their online look. And since it’s their birthday, they decided to giveaway 45 ron vouchers to the first 100 people that will sign up on their site, so if you are from Targu-Mures, or near by, keep an eye on that countdown. Here’s my latest look for them, inspired by the military which includes the cap (vintage fair)
WHAT I WORE: Vintage Military Cap (Promenada Mall Vintage Fair) | New Yorker Navy Military Coat | Otter EPICA Ankle Booties. Photos by Carla Ceusan.