IN "Articles"
18 February 2015
# Articles # Featured # Giveaway

Need a break? Enter our contest and win a girls night out in Cluj for you and five of your friends. Let’s say we have quite a few cool prizes
for you. Just play the song for now to get in the mood:
Two weeks ago I was invited to the opening of a dear friend’s special place. Bianca invited us to “her home”, Sun Kissed Bronze. We drank champagne, we talked about how much bronzing you need for each skin tone and also about the much needed special skin protection against UV rays. I have (finally!) ordered a high SPF cream which you apply to tattooed areas… and after we tested the new bronzing beds we got ready for a special night. It was the end of January, outside was freezing and mornings were always cold and foggy. The online sphere seemed rather melancholic so I grabbed my phone, I called my girls and invited them on Victor Babes (nr.. 37?) at 18:00. By 19:10 we were already lounging in the limo, laughing uncontrollably as the driver took us to an unknown destination.
Acum doua saptamani am participat (activ) la inaugurarea unui loc special pentru o prietena draga noua. Bianca ne-a invitat “la ea acasa”, la Sun Kissed Bronze. Am baut sampanie, am povestit despre cat bronz avem nevoie fiecare in functie de tipul de piele, dar si despre protectia speciala impotriva razelor UV pentru piele. Am comandat in sfarsit (!) o crema cu SFP foarte ridicat, care se aplica pe zonele in care mai avem cate un tatuaj… si dupa ce am testat noile aparate de bronzat ne-am pregatit pentru o seara speciala. Era sfarsitul lunii ianuarie, afara era frig, iar diminetile erau mai mereu reci si incetosate, se asezase o stare de melancolie peste online, asa ca am pus mana pe telefon, am sunat fetele, le-am trimis invitatia virtuala si ne-am dat intalnire pe Victor Babes 37 la ora 18:00. La 19:10 eram deja in limuzina, hohotele de ras deveneau imposibil de contolat, in timp ce soferul apasa pedala de acceleratie, spre o destinatie necunoscuta…
A snap by Coman Dragos, featuring Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars
Play the song AGAIN (the Magic one, you know it gives you the vibe):
We’ve had a marvelous night, so if you feel like you need an escape, talk with the girls, fix your hair, wear high heels and go out! And if you’re in Cluj we have an amazing prize* for you and your girl friends! We’re giving you a limo and two bottles of champagne for your night out, a silver25 subscription at Sun Kissed Bronze and some tanning creams. Like the new salon’s page here and leave a comment with the names of the friends you’d take on this adventure (YOU+5). The contest is opened for girls from Cluj Napoca / surrounding counties. Contest open between 17th February and 1st of March. The winner will be chosen randomly and her name will be published on this blog, 24 hours after the contest has ended (2nd of March). I’m sorry for the other girls, but I’m also happy to be able to make someone that lives near me – very happy for a while.
Am avut parte de o seara excelenta, asa ca daca simti ca ai nevoie de o escapada, organizeaza o iesire cu fetele, aranjeaza-ti parul, poarta tocuri inalte si iesi in lume! Daca esti din Cluj, avem super premiu* pentru tine si gasca ta de prietene! Va punem la dispozitie o limuzina si doua sticle de sampanie pentru seara voastra, un abonament silver25 la Sun Kissed Bronze + creme de bronzare. Da like paginii proaspatului salon aici si lasa un comentariu in care sa ne spui pe cine ai lua cu tine in aceasta aventura. (YOU+5) Concursul este deschis catre fetele din Cluj Napoca / judetele alaturate. Concursul se desfasoara intre 17 februarie si 1 martie Castigatoarea este aleasa prin tragere la sort, urmand ca numele ei sa fie facut public pe acest blog, la 24 de ore dupa incheierea concursului (2 martie). Imi pare rau ca acest concurs este deschis doar pentru fetele din Cluj si imprejurimi, insa in acelasi timp ma simt bine ca pot face pe cineva fericit pentru o perioada de vreme. (Cineva care sta atat de aproape de mine).
Photos: Carmen Grebenisan
*The contest is opened for girls from Cluj Napoca / surrounding counties. Contest open between 17th February and 1st of March. The winner will be chosen randomly and her name will be published on this blog, 24 hours after the contest has ended (2nd of March).
*Concursul este deschis catre fetele din Cluj Napoca / judetele alaturate. Concursul se desfasoara intre 17 februarie si 1 martie Castigatoarea este aleasa prin tragere la sort, urmand ca numele ei sa fie facut public pe acest blog, la 24 de ore dupa incheierea concursului (2 martie).