02 January 2017
BEST OF 2016
# Featured

As you probably know, a fresh new year brings a retrospection of the one that just passed us; 2016 was a difficult year, from all points of view, but it also brought success and gratification. Surprisingly, many people felt the same way about 2016 and I want to keep on sharing all these pieces of precious information with you. A complete insane emotion wanders around my stomach each and every time I think about 2017, an emotion that reminds me that each day represents a chance for me to get even better at what I am doing and I cannot wait to see what’s next this year. Until then, 2016 on reverse:
First thing on my list and a big accomplishment, I finally managed to start vlogging. This gets me closer to you and at the same time, you get to know me better. It’s a lot of work behind but it’s totally worth it. In 2017 I want to show you another side of me and I think that everything that happens under the #AlinaVloggin hashtag will help me do that.
Another awesome thing is that we have now an IT team that has worked with passion and devotion for the new design of the blog. I don’t know how many of you are aware of the fact that my blog started as a college homework and for a long time now I have been managing all these details by myself. Now I am happy to bring you a different online experience, that’s enhanced and user friendly, brought to you by a strong and talented team.
Starting with February we will have a team that will help me bring more content to you – blog posts, fashion and beauty news, latest news, more tutorials and vlogs and the list goes on. There are three girls joining the team, students at the same college I graduated from and I just can’t wait for you to meet them. When the time is right. #TeamA
I have attended Glamour Beauty Festival where I held a presentation about Social Media and again, I am happy I had a dedicated IT team that helped me through the process of creating a presentation exactly how I expected to be. It was one of the most appreciated moments of the event and honestly I felt great because everyone present there left with a list of best practices with immediate effect.
I have launced three capsule collections: – TGHxAlinaCeusan SS16 RIVIERA, Moja Festival by Alina Ceusan SS16 and TGHxAlina Ceusan FW16, collections which were succesfull and I am smiling now knowing that they are in your wardrobe.
I am glad that the blog received again this year the People’s Choice award at Digital Divas – bringing the trophy in Cluj Napoca for the 4th year as an acknowledgement that you find everything that we do on the blog, useful and fun. I also have to mention the Best Fashion Blog at Elle Blogging Awards and the second nomination at Elle Style Awards at the Best Fasion Blog section.
I have been at “Rai da’ buni” (tr.note: a TV show) and rumors has it, the rating was the second best of the entire season. Anyway, I had the opportunity to share my story with you – I am still waiting for the full version of the show that will be posted here, on the blog.
I had the chance to work with my best friend on two projects which are really cool – CK #The2OfUs and Tommy Hilfiger #24hWithAlinaAndCarmen. We’ve also appeared together in #HMSuperBday.
I never told this to anybody but I secretly wished to sign a contract with an agency and I am now part of the Global Entertainment team. There are a lot of great projects coming our way and I hope to have you by my side on this road. #SUBSCRIBE
I am glad that our apartment is finally looking like it should and a couple of weeks ago we were laughing while reading this article and looking at the photos – started from the bottom, now we here – in terms of the apartment reconditioning process.
Another big accomplishment – INFSD our swimwear brand – brought a bunch of difficulties for both me and Carmen, the process of production was a bit hectic, but I remember clearly the bliss moment when the first boxes where packed in the trunk and we drove them to the Hub. #Priceless
In 2016 I visited the gym more often and I am now close to the body I was dreaming about. Someone was telling me on Instagram the other day that her new year resolution is a body like mine. It can be done. With a lot of work, passion and a partner in crime who is even more motivated than you – Carmen in my case. Thank you, Carmen, for your drive to thrive and the moments we spent together at the gym.
I am happy for all the places we have visited – Thailand, Greece, France and now Mauritius – all in all, one of the best feelings was spending the Christmas with the family in Cluj in front of the fireplace and then leaving for Mauritius, on the beach. We were dreaming for a long time about a new year spent on the beach and here’s how Bon Jovi and his ” Dream until your dreams come true” helped me dream and also see how dreams are turned into reality. Dreams do come true. Dream big guys, dream big!
Now I am inviting you to scroll through the gallery of the images that captured last year’s most wanted moments and also hit play and listen to the most listened beat on my playlist – Enjoy the silence – Depeche Mode. Last but not least, let us enjoy everything that happened in 2016. I am wishing you a Happy New Year and a warm welcome on the new blog. I hope this new year will bring you a lot of accomplishments along with effervescent moments.