IN "Articles"
30 December 2014
BEAUTY: Last minute tanned skin.
# Articles # Beauty # Featured

Sa ghicesc!? Revu’ e maine si ca de obicei, ai ultimele griji pe cap. Ziua e o nebunie sinistra: tinuta, coafura, manichiura, tratamente, o baie cu spume, un pahar de sampanie, o maslina si putin bronz… Eu am testat doua variante valabile pentru ultima suta de metri: bronzul organic si autobronzantul de ocazie de la Vita Liberata (Sephora). Prima experienta cu bronzul organic a avut loc acum vreo 3 saptamani. Am sunat la SunKiss, si mi-am facut doua programari – una pentru weekendul respectiv si o alta pentru data de 29. Mi-am dorit sa incerc bronzul organic dupa ce mi-a povestit Crista (nr – good friend, ex-dancer) despre aceasta varianta rapida care asigura un bronz uniform pentru 10 zile. Pregatirea pielii incepe cu o exfoliere a la carte, care este obligatorie pentru un rezultat perfect. Eu folosesc scrub-ul de la Adams – Orange & coconut.
Ziua mea a inceput la 8 dimineata la Vestige manichiura si un tratament Joico in 4 pasi. Lipsea sampania, dar avem rezerve serioase in Mallnitz.
Let me guess!? Our 2015 #rebellion is a night away and you are all over the place. This day is the ultimate sinister madness: the look, the hair, the manicure, the hair treatments, a foamy bath, a glass of sparkling champagne, an olive, some tan… I’ve just tested two last minute tanning treatments your MUST HAVE: organic bronze & the one-day self tanner from Vita Liberata ( available in Sephora stores). My 1st organic bronze experience was miraculous – I booked my 1st session 3 weeks ago and I fell in love with it. I have to say I wanted to pay the session myself so I could get a clear vision about it. I called Sunkiss, I booked a meeting and I payed 100ron/session, after Crista ( nr. – good friend, ex-dancer) told me about it. The prepping of the skin starts with exfoliation – I use Adams body scurb with orange & coconut/
My day started at 8 a.m at Vestige with manicure and my one and only Joico in 4 steps hair treatment. The champagne was missing, but we have serious supplies in Mallnitz.
8:31 – MANICURE TIME with Raluca
10:00 – Joico hair treatment in 4 steps
Later that day – organic bronze @ SunKiss, Iulius Mall
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So this is the most accurate before/after picture from ORGANIC BRONZING @ Iulius Mall / SunKiss (100ron, you’re ready to got in 15 minutes)
I will show you the final look tomorrow, here, on blog and Instagram @alinaceusan
Daca nu ai apucat sa iti faci o programare la bronz organic, ultima solutie e autobronzantul de ocazie (o zi) de la Vita Liberata / Sephora (aprox. 90ron) – un autobronzant care nuanteaza pielea dintr-o miscare si tine pana la primul dus. Pretty lazy, but pretty awesome!
Ce parere aveti despre bronzul organic, ati incercat aceasta minune teporara? Bronzul organic, ca proces, dureaza intre 10 si 15 minute, ai nevoie asadar de o programare, iar la Sunkiss am inteles ca sedintele se face la fiecare jumatate de ora. Culoarea este alesa de tine: poti alege dun bronz light/medium/intens. Partea buna e ca nu dauneaza pielii si se realizeaza ultra-rapid. Dupa sedinta de bronzare porti haine largi, iti faci cumparaturile si te indrepti spre casa. Dimineata faci un dus si te alegi cu cel mai intens bronz, din cele 10 zile promise. Eu sunt foarte multuimita de rezultat si ma bucur ca va pot scrie pe blog despre acest procedeu de bronzare. Sper sa incercati si voi, la un moment dat bronzul organic pentru un eveniment special! Discutam cu fetele de la SunKiss, mi-au citit articolele, le-au placut si mi-au propus sa fac un giveaway pentru voi pe blog, insa m-am gandit ca in prima data sa va intreb pe voi cum va pregatiti pentru revelion, daca ati apelat la aceasta varianta de bronz rapid si daca va plac rezultatele pe care le-am obtinut eu.
I’m just curious like that!
If you haven’t ALREADY booked a session, the one-day self-tenner from Vita Liberata is your only choice (aprox. 90ron) / Sephora – a self-tanner that will give you an intense chocolate brown glowing skin in just seconds… and it will last till your 1st shower. Pretty laxy, but pretty awesome!
i want to know how you feel about organic bronze, have you tryied this temporary wonder? Organic bronze will take from 10 to 15 minutes of your time, you can choose the intensity: light/medium/dark and the best part is the fact that it doesn’t harm the skin at all. After the session you can continue your shopping, while wearing a loose outfit, and then head home/ You can take a shower in the morning (after 8 hours) and you will meet your most-tanned version of the next 10 days. I hope you will try this one day, on/for a special event. I was talking to the girls and they want a giveaway on the blog, for you. I just want to know if you like our results… tell me how you get ready for the New Year’s Eve party…
I’m just curious like that!
Find out more @ SUN KISS, on their facebook page.